Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass

Post by novanilla »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 5.2.6
MySQL Version: 5.0.27

What have you done before the problem was there?
Updated Board3 Portal from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Inspected all file edits - they seem fine. Attempted to disable certain blocks to see if there was a conflict. Tried to uninstall new updates and restore backup, which served only to lock me out of my system after the update timed out (several times). Used System Toolkit to get back in. Backup seems semi-complete. Some small inconsistencies in the board, but I don't know if there's anything major that has gone wrong.

Description and Message
Updated from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 and received this error when I went to the Portal:

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Call to undefined function format_birthday() in /u/vp/ on line 68
So I disabled the birthday block and the Portal opened up. Unfortunately, my layout was all ruined (the file-copy had over-written my portal_body.html file), so I restored my backup layout file. My background images for this layout were all gone, of course, because of the upgrade forcing me to delete all of them in order to complete it. So I restored those, and they still didn't return. No big deal - html I can fix...

So then I started looking around the rest of the site. The Gallery page wouldn't open. Instead, I got this error when trying to open the gallery (version 1.0.3):

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass in /u/vp/ on line 1026
I looked into people's profiles, and the gallery images (recent/random blocks) seemed fine there. The images could be opened, etc... Then I went to post an update to the thread talking about site problems, and I couldn't post. I got the same message_parser error when I hit the "reply" button, and when I opened a new PM to write a message - again, same message_parser error.

I re-checked all the file edits. The only edit I did not perform in the two-step update from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 was in the overall_header.html file, replacing this line: <!-- IF not $S_IN_PORTAL or not S_DISPLAY_MAINMENU --> That line simply was not in my header file, and I assumed I had taken it out to avoid losing my navbar with tabs when I navigated from the portal to other places on the site. Still, I couldn't see why that would be critical, but maybe somebody else can help?

I finally decided to restore my backup and replace my five edited directories with the originals, and my restore timed out on me several times, and I got locked out of the system. Got back in with system toolkit, enabled the board again, opened it up and apparently the restore SEEMS to have worked. I only worry that it was incomplete before locking me out. I don't know.

Any help on what caused this huge issue? I really want my board updated so I can view recent/random images in my portal and index.

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Re: Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass

Post by Kevin »

novanilla wrote:Updated from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 and received this error when I went to the Portal:

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Call to undefined function format_birthday() in /u/vp/ on line 68
This is definitely because you haven't updated the portal/includes/functions.php / replaced it with the new one.
So I guess that you should control your complete update, as you might have forgotten to do it with other files as well.
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

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Re: Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass

Post by novanilla »

Thanks Kevin. I'll look again, though I was especially careful with that file, because once I made the mistake of confusing it with the includes/functions.php (rather than portal/includes/functions.php). So I didn't want to do that again.

I'll let you know if this fixes the problem.

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Re: Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass

Post by novanilla »

Kevin, if portal/includes/functions.php is the file that should be updated, then the instructions are incorrect. The version instructions for 1.0.2 to 1.0.3, then 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 both refer to editing the includes/functions.php file instead.

(1.0.2 to 1.0.3)
Files to edit

* adm/index.php,
* includes/functions.php,
* styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html,
* styles/prosilver/template/overall_footer.html
(1.0.3 to 1.0.4)
Files to edit

* adm/index.php,
* includes/functions.php,
* portal/block/additional_blocks.php,
* styles/prosilver/template/portal/_block_config.html
All other files were over-written straight from the root/*.* (etc) directory tree to my site.

WHAT update needed to be made to portal/includes/functions.php, please?

I seem to be doing this differently than everybody else, LOL. Thanks.

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Re: Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass

Post by novanilla »

So.... Are the instructions correct? Or did I edit the wrong functions.php file?

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Re: Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass

Post by novanilla »

Kevin wrote:This is definitely because you haven't updated the portal/includes/functions.php / replaced it with the new one.
So I guess that you should control your complete update, as you might have forgotten to do it with other files as well.
Please define "updated". :-) I'm still waiting to hear from somebody if there's a typo in the install file... I EDITED the includes/functions.php file according to the instructions. I UPLOADED the new (included) portal/includes/functions.php file along with the newly edited file, and everything else. Was this wrong?

Thank you!

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Re: Cannot redeclare class bbcode_firstpass

Post by novanilla »

never mind, and thanks for all the suggestions!

Problem solved: Best to do two-steps version updates in two separate steps. Going from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 has something wrong with it, unless it's broken up in two steps (even if you use the separate install file instructions). I downloaded the 1.0.3 download file and installed that first. Then went to 1.0.4, and everything worked fine.

Over-writing the existing portal.php file was not very nice, though. Lots of edits in there I needed to recover. But still love Board3 portal.

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