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[OBSOLETE]Warcraft Guild Perks Block v1.0.1

Posted: 17. February 2013 19:33
by talonos
Addon: Warcraft Guild Perks Block
Addon Version: 1.0.1
Addon Author: Talonos
Addon Description:
Block will display current guild level and the current associated perk for the assigned guild. if the assigned guild is not level 25 yet then the perks that have not been gained will be "faded" comapred to the perks that have been gained.

Addon Requirements: Board3 Portal 2.0.0b1 and newer.

Code: Select all

THIS BLOCK NO LONGER WORKS due to changes within world of warcraft

1. Upload the module package via the ACP (ACP > MODS > Portal > Upload Module) or just upload the content of the ZIP file into the root of your forum.
2. Add new module into left or right column of the portal (ACP > MODS > Portal > Portal Modules).

Demo: Blocks on the Left are the current working Modules. others displayed there currently are not available yet unless stated



Code: Select all

Bug fix: removed code that blocked block working in Internet Explorer

Code: Select all

Initial Release

Re: [RELEASE]Warcraft Guild Perks Block v1.0.0

Posted: 18. March 2013 18:06
by talonos
Released v1.0.1 to remove some old internet explorer blocking code.

Re: [RELEASE]Warcraft Guild Perks Block v1.0.1

Posted: 22. August 2014 14:21
by talonos
due to changes in the api future releases of this module will require an apikey from blizzard. its a very easy process and only has to be done once as the apikey will be cross compatable with the other api blocks. these blocks will NEVER REQUIRE a person to login to to view the contents of the block. the apikey is just a onetime thing that will require you to input a code into the ACP for the block once you have recieved

if you would like to get your APIKEY before hand then feel free to goto to create your api account and recieve you APIKEY to apply in the ACP once the module is updated

Re: [RELEASE]Warcraft Guild Perks Block v1.0.1

Posted: 7. December 2014 21:28
by talonos

Code: Select all

THIS BLOCK NO LONGER WORKS due to changes within world of warcraft