Recurring event

Current Version: 2.0.2
Released: 2013-10-27
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Recurring event

Post by shadzy89 »

Your Portal Version: 2.0.1
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 3.0.11

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
This is a request to see if its there or not, because I cant see how to use it?

Description and Message
Hi guys,

Just want to see if calendar module for has recurring event option!!!
If so how would I create an event that always happen on certain dates and times!
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Re: Recurring event

Post by Marc »

The calendar currently doesn't support that. Mainly because it's just a simple calendar.

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Re: Recurring event

Post by Ernst.on.Tour »


i'm not a php-Developer, but maybe someone will hack this idea to get a recurring-calendar

If it where possible to query (such as "all-day-event") if it is a "recurrending event", just open/enable additional date/time inputfields in mask or delim multiply dates/times with ";"
Generate multiple events with given dates/times, but set the date 1000years into the future without the first one.

The first one will normally shown up until the day is come.
Same behavior as now.

If the day is gone, the next one should be redated to -1000years.
This could be done by search the events for uniq-subject-events in year 3013+
This should give only the "next" 3013+-event per subject
If there is NO subjected-future-event between today an 31-12-3000, redate the before found uniq-subject-3013-event to -1000years and it will be shown as next upcoming event
The circle is closed

The +1000years solution prevents us to change the "database"-format and lose the existing events, but pay attention this solution is not 3013+-compatible ;-)

I hope someone will hack this and spend source to us.


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