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Portal body wrap for prosilver

Posted: 16. December 2012 23:24
by jason102178
Your Portal Version: 2.0.1
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
I have searched the forum board here and found a couple things simular but it was for a different sty;e

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
I Am using the standard phpbb prosilver style, I do not know much about coding and stuff, i looked it up and figured out how to change from a fluid width to a fixed width, and changed the logo and the header background and a couple colors , thats about the extent of customization i have did...

The problem i am having is the page looks fine when its full screen but when i go to minamize it the right coloum is not staying within the wrap

so i was wondering what is the code i need to make sure the left and right sidebar is contained in the wrap and does not go outside of it....

the article i read did say something about editing


But not sure what edits need to be made, if someone could advise me on what to do that would be great, thanks in advance.

Re: Portal body wrap for prosilver

Posted: 16. December 2012 23:30
by archivar
This has nothing to do with the portal. Please Inquire about the problem on

Re: Portal body wrap for prosilver

Posted: 16. December 2012 23:41
by jason102178
Oh i thought this would be something i would post for portal because if i disable portal and i minamize everything it looks great but when i enable portal the right sidebar doesnt stay contained within it it goes outside of the body

and i found this article were the person was having a simular issue except there sidebar wasnt showing up and it looked crunched like mind kinda
"durangod ยป"im having trouble getting the sides of boxes to show and also getting the page spaced out, its all crunched together..

heres the topic


Because i have a feeling if i tell them i have a mod board portal3 installed and ask how to contain it within a wrap they will tell me the same thing you did, that i should contact you guys

Re: Portal body wrap for prosilver

Posted: 17. December 2012 10:17
by Marc
What width did you choose? If your width is too small it will not properly show. You should also make sure that you set a minimum width.