A sincere apology and a little explanation...

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A sincere apology and a little explanation...

Post by Ice »

Hello, my name is Ice and I think of myself as one of the Board3 devs. Unfortunately I have not been around very much lately and I thought I should explain why.

About 2 months ago I was taking my A level exams, for those of you who've never heard of them they are exams taken at 18 that dictate where you are able to go for University. This was a very stressful time for me so I took time off from developing Board3 to concentrate on my studies. After my exams were over I took a little break to relax and socialise with my friends.

Then, just as I was getting back into developing Board3 my machine died (For those that are curious it was a Dell XPS M1710 laptop) just a few days out of warranty! This skewed all my plans, as it is not a cheap thing to rectify as the laptop was £2000 new and I was quoted a repair cost of at least £600 which as a lowly student I do not have. I was literally using any computer I could, friend, family, even visiting the local library to use their computers. Dark, dark days. I have now managed to scrounge and put together a rudimentary machine, it's not fantastic but it'll do.

So I'm now getting back into developing Board3, as well as trying to retrieve the updates I had done on my old machine so hopefully I'll have some new stuff up soon.

Thank you to the community for all for your past, present and future support. I apologise again and hope that the future is much brighter than what I've already been through.
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Re: A sincere apology and a little explanation...

Post by Christian_N »

Hello Ice,
welcome back. :)
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Re: A sincere apology and a little explanation...

Post by Steve_B »

Ice, so how did the A levels go? great to meet you and nice to see you are back. :)
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Re: A sincere apology and a little explanation...

Post by Kevin »

Welcome back, mate! :)
Glad to hear that things are getting better.
The whole team had to face RL things in the past months, but now I'm looking forward to get back into it again (even with my continuous lag of time). ;)
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Re: A sincere apology and a little explanation...

Post by thomas.d »

Hi Ice,

nevermind, I think we all have a life to live (*) beside Board3 Portal.

But it's nice to hear from you, welcome back!

(* = songs to play, digital photos to shoot, styles to code, dogs to train ... )
Viele Grüße


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