auto install not possible

Current Version: 2.0.2
Released: 2013-10-27
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auto install not possible

Post by id47 »

Good evening,

I just try to install the portal for second time this afternoon but I'm blocked always at the same step :
There is a PHP install file that needs to be run in order to complete the installation.
To run it point your browser to, for example, domain.tld/phpBB3/install/index.php
When I point my browser to the install folder, I obtain an error 404 :
Not Found

The requested URL /phpbb1/install/install/index.php was not found on this server.
I don't understand why I'm automaticaly redirected to "install/install/index.php" whereas I request "install/index.php".

I confirm i have copy all portal files and modify all files as discribed in installation instructions.
Also I confirm file install/index.php is the FTP.

Do you know what could be origin of error ?

Thanks a lot for your help.
Kind regards.
(Answer in english or french)

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Re: auto install not possible

Post by ixl »

I think your going too far with the folders...

it should be ( if Im right )

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

or in your case...

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Im wondering if you have added the install folder to another folder first?

I do understand what your saying, but just check exactly where you have dropped the install folder too. It should be in your root.

Just because it worked for you, doesnt mean it's right. ;)


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Re: auto install not possible

Post by id47 »


thanks ixl for your reply,

I tried the same installation on my local root (on my computer) and it is working.
So I think that the problem is coming from the root configuration online, perhaps because I'm using domain name and not the full url.

I will do some tests and I come back to you.

Best regards.

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