I have been using board3 for a long time now, in combination with some awesome world of warcraft style.
Now I made a private server for my guild, I managed to intergrade a register page but...
I want to add a realm status bar to the center block on the portal.
I have 2 PHP files that are involved to that, but I dont have enough knowledge of PHPBB to implent it.
These are the codes:
Index.php (can be renamed ofc):
Code: Select all
include 'status.php';
GetStatus(0, "", 8129, 5000, "My Realm Name");
Code: Select all
function GetStatus($type, $host, $world_port, $realmd, $name){
$err = array('no' => NULL, 'str' => NULL);
if($type == 0){
$ArcEmu = @fsockopen($host, $world_port, $err['no'], $err['str'], (float)1.0);
echo "<img src='img/down.gif' /><font color='white'> " . $name . "</font> is <font color='red'><strong> OFFLINE</strong></font>";
echo "<img src='img/up.gif' /><font color='white'> " . $name . "</font> is <font color='red'><strong> ONLINE</strong></font>";
$MaNGOS = @fsockopen($host, $world_port, $err['no'], $err['str'], (float)1.0);
$RealmD = @fsockopen($host, $realmd, $err['no'], $err['str'], (float)1.0);
echo "<font color='white'>World Status: </font><font color='red'><strong>OFFLINE </strong></font><img src='img/down.gif' />";
echo "<font color='white'>World Status: </font><font color='green'><strong>ONLINE </strong></font><img src='img/up.gif' />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<font color='white'>Realm Status: </font><font color='red'><strong>OFFLINE </strong></font><img src='img/down.gif' />";
echo "<font color='white'>Realm Status: </font><font color='green'><strong>ONLINE </strong></font><img src='img/up.gif' />";
I also makes my page swallow :S.
Does anyone know how to make this possible?
Thanks in advance.
~ Archcry