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Images instead of text links

Posted: 14. October 2010 11:30
by Mess
Your Portal Version: 1.0.6
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Description and Message

I would like Images instead of (or above) the text links back to the original posts from the portal.

How would I go about adding this picture:
For the Warhammer Online forum, and another for the StarCraft II one?

Any ideas? Maybe its possible to use the forum image?

Re: Images instead of text links

Posted: 19. October 2010 14:26
by Mess
Anyone please? :)

Re: Images instead of text links

Posted: 21. October 2010 22:35
by jerkstore
I would also like to know how to add images to the actual "Links" block instead of text.

Re: Images instead of text links

Posted: 28. October 2010 12:56
by Mess
Anyone know if this is possible, please? :)

Re: Images instead of text links

Posted: 10. December 2010 20:30
by Mess
Anyone able to help with this please? :)

Re: Images instead of text links

Posted: 10. December 2010 21:05
by gamingboard
Here is a idea:

Use at your own risk. It worked on my test forum

Open: portal/block/announcements.php


Code: Select all

'FORUM_NAME'			=> ($forum_id) ? $fetch_news[$i]['forum_name'] :

Code: Select all

'FORUM_ID'			=> $forum_id,



Code: Select all

<!-- IF announcements_row.FORUM_NAME -->{L_FORUM}: <strong><a href="{announcements_row.U_VIEWFORUM}">{announcements_row.FORUM_NAME}</a></strong><!-- ELSE -->{L_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT}<!-- ENDIF -->
Replace with:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF announcements_row.FORUM_ID == 99 --><a href="{announcements_row.U_VIEWFORUM}"><img src="your Warhammer Online forum img" title="{announcements_row.FORUM_NAME}" alt="{announcements_row.FORUM_NAME}"/></a><!-- ELSEIF announcements_row.FORUM_NAME -->{L_FORUM}: <strong><a href="{announcements_row.U_VIEWFORUM}">{announcements_row.FORUM_NAME}</a></strong><!-- ELSE -->{L_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT}<!-- ENDIF -->
To add another image using the following code:


Code: Select all

<!-- IF announcements_row.FORUM_ID == 99 --><a href="{announcements_row.U_VIEWFORUM}"><img src="your Warhammer Online forum img" title="{announcements_row.FORUM_NAME}" alt="{announcements_row.FORUM_NAME}"/></a>
Note:Replace 99 with the forum number where you want to have a picture (viewforum?f=99)

Code: Select all

<!-- ELSEIF announcements_row.FORUM_ID == 99 --><a href="{announcements_row.U_VIEWFORUM}"><img src="your other img" title="{announcements_row.FORUM_NAME}" alt="{announcements_row.FORUM_NAME}"/></a>

Re: Images instead of text links

Posted: 15. December 2010 10:55
by Mess
Thanks a lot mate, ill test it out asap. :D