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Server Error 500 after login

Posted: 27. September 2010 10:21
by 1337fknthor
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Installed fresh phpbb3 then modded for EVE member registration (dont think this is a problem could be wrong)

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Tried checking all modded files everything looks good. MOD works great until I try to login then I get Server 500 error. Resaved all edited files using Notepad++ didnt seem to change anything double checked .htaccess didnt seem to help.

Description and Message
Installed with no errors board works fine until you try to login then after login you get server 500 error. You can still browse the forums if you use but whenever you try to load portan (portal.php) you get server 500 error I can still access forum ACP with no issues when logged in mod is enabled not sure whats wrong. Any help would be much appriciated.

Re: Server Error 500 after login

Posted: 27. September 2010 12:33
by Marc
Try if turning on debug mode in your config.php displays you any error messages. Also it would help to know what PHP version you use.

Re: Server Error 500 after login

Posted: 27. September 2010 20:51
by 1337fknthor
php version 5.2.12, turned debug on but no result just server error 500 (doesnt display any additional information).

Not sure whats up.

Re: Server Error 500 after login

Posted: 29. September 2010 16:33
by 1337fknthor
Figured it out on my own guys just had to update phpbb as I seem to have downloaded 3.05 on my first go everything thing looks to be fine after the upgrade to 3.07
