Wordgraph help

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Wordgraph help

Post by GulfKnight »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
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PHP Version: 3.0.7-PL1

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I have been having this for the last two days, every time I click on the Wordgraph list instead of getting a list of all the post that have these word I get this instead:

The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: aircraft.
You must specify at least one word to search for. Each word must consist of at least 3 characters and must not contain more than 14 characters excluding wildcards.

Is there is anything that I need to do to fix this?

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Re: Wordgraph help

Post by Marc »

The wordgraph displays the most commom words of your forum. phpBB also marks the most common words and displays the message you get if you just search for this word.
I think there is nothing you can do to change this, but you might want to ask at phpBB.com.
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Re: Wordgraph help

Post by Foxy »


I also have this problem. if you increase the number of words the wordgraph displays, then it seems to work fine. I think it was somewhere around 250 - 300 before I could get a clickable result. I tried rebuilding the search indexes etc etc and nothing helps.

If the wordgraph displays 300 words, it starts to take up too much room on the portal and looks out of place. That's why I switched it off.

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Re: Wordgraph help

Post by Chef_uk »

Can certain forums be excluded from the compiler? And further more, common words or even words less than 3 characters? I've seen other threads asking this but no replies.
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Re: Wordgraph help

Post by Marc »

No, you won't be able to exclude forums, as Board3 Portal uses the wordlist in the database of phpBB. You can exclude common words, but I wouldn't recommend that, as the wordgraph was designed to show common words in order to give the search engines a few common words from your forum.
Why would you exlude words with less than 3 characters? phpBB does not put words with less than 3 characters inside the wordlist as far as I know.

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Re: Wordgraph help

Post by Chef_uk »


I meant 3 letters or less such as and, the, one..... words that have no connection to anything other than other words.
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Re: Wordgraph help

Post by Marc »

You would have to create a filter for that, i.e. by creating an array with the words you don't like and using that in the SQL query as a "NOT IN".

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