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Posted: 20. January 2010 15:25
by DreadY
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
How can I uninstall this portal?

Re: Unistall

Posted: 20. January 2010 17:53
by Marc
Download the package (if you don't have it anymore) and open install.xml in your browser. Undo every step that is mentioned. After that upload the complete install-folder which is inside the root-folder of the package to your forum root. Browse to install/index.php and click on Uninstall. Follow the steps. After that you can delete the install-folder.

Re: Unistall

Posted: 20. January 2010 18:18
by DreadY
Thank you very much! And sorry for being a douche and talking like one, I was just nervous my forum was screwed up.

Re: Unistall

Posted: 20. January 2010 18:36
by DreadY
Prior to running the installation script, you need to upload the edited files, especially /includes/constants.php.

Re: Unistall

Posted: 20. January 2010 18:44
by Marc
Oops, you first have to run the installer and then remove all the edits. Anyhow, just redo the includes/constants.php edit, run the installer (click on Uninstall) and remove the includes/constants.php edit again.

Re: Unistall

Posted: 20. January 2010 18:45
by DreadY
OK I added

Code: Select all

define('PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE',		$table_prefix . 'portal_config');
In constants, I can now access the Install folder. But there's only the Install button, when I click it I can now click the Proceed to next step, and then get this error:

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Duplicate entry '4-118' for key 'PRIMARY' [1062]


INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) VALUES (4, '118', 1)


Marc, is there any external way to contact you, like MSN, so you can help me in private?