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[HELP!]General Erorr!

Posted: 21. February 2008 19:57
by Jak01
I installed the board3 portal on my test forum fine and works a treat here : but i installed it up on my main and have done the file edits and it comes up with....

General Error

Table 'jak01-forum.phpbb_3portal_config' doesn't exist

Can anyone help please?

Re: [HELP!]General Erorr!

Posted: 21. February 2008 20:46
by PeterS

please check your changes in includes/constants.php

Code: Select all

Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.

Code:Select All
// Additional tables

Add after
Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find.

Code:Select All
define('PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE',      $table_prefix . 'portal_config');
and/or check your Database if the table exists.

greetz Peter

Re: [HELP!]General Erorr!

Posted: 21. February 2008 21:52
by Redbull254

you use different Versions and have not replaced all Files, some Files are of the phpbb3 Portal and others of the older Version Board3 Portal.
Use the new version of the portal (0.2.1), no support for the phpbb3 portal , Sorry ;-)

Re: [HELP!]General Erorr!

Posted: 22. February 2008 08:12
by Jak01
ok, thanks i just went to the install link instead and it works fine now (i am now using board3 portal , as phpbb3portal gave me white pages...)

Re: [HELP!]General Erorr!

Posted: 22. February 2008 08:16
by Kevin
Jak01 wrote:(i am now using board3 portal , as phpbb3portal gave me white pages...)
If you mean your testforum:
You still haven't replaced all files!

Re: [HELP!]General Erorr!

Posted: 22. February 2008 08:21
by Jak01
no , i mean the one running on my main forum witchis :)

Re: [HELP!]General Erorr!

Posted: 22. February 2008 09:07
by Kevin
Oh - such a beauty! :D

Re: [HELP!]General Erorr!

Posted: 22. February 2008 18:25
by Jak01
:D thanks