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portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 23. October 2009 19:45
by oldwillyswagons
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
I recently installed Portal on my phpbb3 forum and everything seems to be working great with one exception...

The center blocks are not displaying correctly in the current release of Firefox. The blocks are not adjusting in width without the header and content returning to a second line, which scrambles the content a bit. For example, the "last post" text is under the header title, and not over the last post column of content.

Seems to work fine in Safari, but haven't looked at it in IE...




Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 24. October 2009 03:38
by Mike
You installed B3P v 1.0.2 or previous. Please update to our last package 1.0.4 ;)

Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 26. October 2009 23:17
by oldwillyswagons
Mike wrote:You installed B3P v 1.0.2 or previous. Please update to our last package 1.0.4 ;)
Thanks Mike-

The latest version on is 1.0.2. I found the 1.0.4 version here and will give it a shot.


Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 26. October 2009 23:43
by oldwillyswagons
Another question, can I update from 1.0.2 directly to 1.0.4, or do I have to update to 1.0.3 first?

Thanks for the help.


Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 27. October 2009 01:46
by Mike
Sadly there are no instructions to update directly to 1.0.4 so you need to update to 1.0.3 first...

Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 27. October 2009 23:31
by oldwillyswagons
Ok, I have finished installing the updates and am now on version 1.0.4...

And Firefox is still not displaying the center block correctly correctly... The "last post" text in the header is returned onto another line making the header background fat.

It is better than it was with version 1.0.2, because the last post date/time info was also returned under the post title.


Thanks again for the help-


Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 28. October 2009 07:27
by Mike
go to ACP->portal->news and set "Display the number of replies and views:" to NO

Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 28. October 2009 20:32
by oldwillyswagons
Mike wrote:go to ACP->portal->news and set "Display the number of replies and views:" to NO

Made the change in the ACP, but it didn't make a difference in the display... Still the "last post" text is returned onto a new line...

Also, just noticed that after updating to 1.0.4, that the little image icons are all missing from the blocks. What has caused this?



Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 29. October 2009 12:59
by Mike
You have to update your style too... upload all fioles from board3_Portal_104\root\styles\prosilver into your stylefolder, makle the edits as described in installxml for prosilver, and purge your caches.

Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 29. October 2009 20:13
by oldwillyswagons
Mike wrote:You have to update your style too... upload all fioles from board3_Portal_104\root\styles\prosilver into your stylefolder, makle the edits as described in installxml for prosilver, and purge your caches.
Ok, getting closer... Thanks for all your Help Mike, and patience dealing with a complete noob...

The style stuff seems to be updated and the menu icons are now working again.

However, the headers in the Forum List are still showing incorrectly, just like the screen shot I posted earlier. The Latest News and Announcements blocks look right.

Not sure what I'm missing...

Also, wondering how I can change the background color of the blocks now that they are coded differently than before? The don't seem to be in the portal.css anymore?


Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 30. October 2009 03:01
by Mike
This is a problem of all prosilver Styles with a fixed small width. Since we just include the forumlist from the board, we have no bearing of its representation. Maybe you can force a minimum width of the center blocks... if you make it wider the error will disappear...

Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 30. October 2009 03:57
by oldwillyswagons
How come it works in safari and older versions of firefox?


Re: portal center blocks not displaying correctly in Firefox

Posted: 30. October 2009 17:48
by Mike
Because every Browser has its own Standarts and in every new Version they change them. ;)