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Recent & Random Images

Posted: 29. September 2009 20:40
by Foxy
Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
Nothing. This is a fresh install.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message

My apologies if this is in the wrong section.

I'm looking for the mod that will display Recent & Random images from my phpBB Gallery (v 1.0.2)


Re: Recent & Random Images

Posted: 29. September 2009 21:48
by archivar

Re: Recent & Random Images

Posted: 29. September 2009 22:09
by Christian_N
Foxy wrote:...from my phpBB Gallery (v 1.0.2)
But please update prior to the phpBB Gallery v1.0.3

Re: Recent & Random Images

Posted: 29. September 2009 22:54
by Foxy
Christian_N wrote:
Foxy wrote:...from my phpBB Gallery (v 1.0.2)
But please update prior to the phpBB Gallery v1.0.3
Do you mean that I have to upgrade my phpBB Gallery to 1.0.3, then download and install the Gallery Block v1.4.0


Re: Recent & Random Images

Posted: 29. September 2009 23:05
by Christian_N
Foxy wrote:Do you mean that I have to upgrade my phpBB Gallery to 1.0.3, then download and install the Gallery Block v1.4.0

Re: Recent & Random Images

Posted: 30. September 2009 23:45
by Foxy

I have just had a look at phpBB Projekt and like the way in which the Recent & Random images are displayed in the small blocks on the portal. I notice that the Gallery Block is now at 1.4.1 and the Portal at 1.0.4

So as to bring my site up to date, would I be correct in saying that I need to upgrade my Portal from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4, my Gallery from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3, then install the Gallery Block 1.4.1

As I am having someone upgrade and install the upgrades for me, I need to make sure I give them the correct files. If incorrect, please can you detail which files I need to upgrade.

Your time and patience is very much appreciated.

Kindest Regards