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Adding page to centre block.

Posted: 11. August 2009 14:36
by Swinder
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
Tried to add a custom page (about us) into a centre block with link on menu which then goes to that page. That page displays my content but keeps the full portal and style.

The problem I had was that it would not carry my style.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I followed a guide which was wrote in German but it was hard to follow as the google translator just gave broken english.

Description and Message
I basically want to add a link to the menu which displays a custom center block on my portal, it should keep all the styles and it would be nice if the content looked like the Latest News block and kept the nice borders.


I click About Us and portal page opens About Us content in the center, it keeps all the nice style as well.

Re: Adding page to centre block.

Posted: 22. August 2009 21:59
by DocSommer
can you post the link to that german guide?

Re: Adding page to centre block.

Posted: 3. September 2009 00:23
by neo4u
have you tried adding something like this to your custom box html

Code: Select all

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/wow_alliance/theme/stylesheet.css" media="all">
Replacing the

Code: Select all

with the proper formating to link to your own stylesheet

Re: Adding page to centre block.

Posted: 17. November 2009 23:30
by Axe
First of all let me say hi. Hi to all :P

Ok im quite new to all of this but im a quick learnen and like to experiment wich basicly means im uploading backups more then you ever can think of.

I recently stumbled acros this topic wich just answered my needs.
Im dumbting the same issue's. Not the style part but the how to.

How can i add a custom made html file to be called uppon when pressed in the menu.
I've added a menu item (lets call it units) and when visitors press the link (a href="units.html") then the custom made center block should appear in the portal (so it looks like left block - center unit block only - right block)

Kinda like basic html. You hard code a menu list with a href's and br's where you call a certain html files into iframes.
Now i know board3 portal just calls certain info out of the dbase made in phpbb but what just was wondering.

The alternative i thought of was calling them into a _blank page. But i would like to still have the portal intact while making it into a frontpage.

By all means share your thought and howto's cause im kinda stuck here in idea's.

ps: im sorry for my poor eng .. well guess you heared if all before :P

Re: Adding page to centre block.

Posted: 18. November 2009 02:26
by talonos
to get this to work like u say, you'd have to combine 2 things together

phpbb info for setting up a custom page

and also


which is "display portal on all pages of forum"

Re: Adding page to centre block.

Posted: 19. November 2009 22:11
by Axe
Thanks talonos .. not the answer i was searching on but you pushed me into a new direction.