'SubSilver2' not working correctly

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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'SubSilver2' not working correctly

Post by ForumHoster »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge
Boardlink: http://bla.forum-hoster.nl

PHP Version: 3.0.5

What have you done before the problem was there?
Nothing, I just edited the necessary files for the 'subsilver2' style.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I already tried the 'subsilver2.xml' file (later, I found out that I must use this file to edit 'subsilver2') and I tried to clear the cache (which didn't solved the problem).

Description and Message
Hi there ^^

I'm running a (Dutch) forum hosting service and I installed your portal software (Board3). And because I'm running a forum hosting service, I have a lot of styles installed for users to choose between, including 'subsilver2'. Now, I edited 'subsilver2' according to the 'subsilver2.xml' file, but the portal is still messed up.

Any ideas how to solve this?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: 'SubSilver2' not working correctly

Post by Mike »

Your Link doesnt work...
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Re: 'SubSilver2' not working correctly

Post by ForumHoster »

Now it does ;) Sorry for the down-time. Our providers sucks, so we're searching for a new one ;)

BTW: I installed the style-changer and installed all styles I have on the server. And most of the styles aren't working correctly with the portal. That's weird, because I eddited everyting according to the 'install.xml' file (prosilver-based styles) and the 'subsilver2.xml' file (subsilver2-based styles).
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Re: 'SubSilver2' not working correctly

Post by Mike »

For subsilver2 Styles you have to copy the subsilver2 files instead of the files from prosilver. ;)
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Re: 'SubSilver2' not working correctly

Post by ForumHoster »

Ah, problem solved :D I'm such a noob for not seeing that -.- Anyway, now I can be a pro forum host again :D

Thanks alot!

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