Parse error

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Released: 09.01.10
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Parse error

Post by killer969 »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: PHP Version 5.2.9
MySQL Version: Client API version: 5.0.51a

What have you done before the problem was there?
I am using a style named Attriuum.
I have installed some mods, which I am kind of sure does not cause the problem.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I refreshed the template/imageset/theme of my style, and purged the cache, both manually, and through admin panel.

Description and Message
I have been using this mod for a while. I have started a new forum with a new style, and installed the mod again. But this time, I got an error, which I guess no one encountered yet.

When I first installed the mod, I could go around in admin panel, but not the forum. Now since I need to log in to get into admin panel, I cannot get there too.

I refreshed the template/imageset/theme of my style, and purged the cache, both manually, and through admin panel.

the error is
Parse error: parse error in C:\xampp\htdocs\forum\cache\tpl_Attriuum_overall_header.html.php on line 158

Please help me?
Posting this on too
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Re: Parse error

Post by Marc »

Looks like you messed up the navbar part of the edits.
Recheck those.

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