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Help me Portal page white

Posted: 13. July 2009 17:06
by Alberto
Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: si
Your knowledge: little php

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Excused if I speak badly English but are Italian. after l' installation of the portal me exited the page white woman because? you help me for pleasure

Per favore mi aiutate? sono italiano e l'inglese non lo capisco bene vi prego....

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 13. July 2009 18:06
by Mike
Sorry, but i read this about ten times, and now i have tears in my eyes because it sounds "a bit" funny ;) ^^
What i read is, that you have a problem with a white woman after installing the Portal... :? :D
Ok, since it makes no sence, i think this is what you looking for: knowledge/kb_show.php?id=3

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 13. July 2009 18:24
by Alberto
:D :D Sorry!! page bianca (white)

Thanks pero' I have not understood in which rows I must control

P.S. you pardon to me if I write badly but they are of Rome (Italian)

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 13. July 2009 18:34
by Mike
No problem buddy... i just hope you can solve your problem now... ;)

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 13. July 2009 18:42
by Alberto
I have controlled all the modified rows but the page exits me always white help help as I make

UFFF... :cry:

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 13. July 2009 18:50
by Mike
You should clear your caches, but if you cannot access your ACP you can do it manualy... clear the content of the "cache" folder in the root of your Board. But dont delete the following two files:
- .htaccess
- index.html

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 13. July 2009 18:55
by Alberto
My style glacier (v. php 3.0.4)

I have resolved thanks Mike Now pero' the portal exits to me along in horizontal I can put as it online?

Perche' the portal goes to me all on the right and does not exit me in all the page?


Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 14. July 2009 07:21
by Mike
Sorry, but i didnt understand correctly. can you provide a link to your board please?

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 14. July 2009 09:12
by Alberto

Con Firefox the portal not e' aligned, would want I it to all screen.

overall_header (style glacier)

Code: Select all

<li class="icon-logout"><a href="{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}" title="{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}" accesskey="l">{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}</a></li>
It does not exist

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 14. July 2009 18:08
by Mike
Here is my overall_header.html from Glacier Style. Watch the Demo

Code: Select all

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Your Picture doesnt help, because i cannot debug it ;)

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 14. July 2009 18:25
by Alberto
ok provo a vedere dal tuo in caso non riesco ti allego il mio template ..

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 14. July 2009 18:55
by MrBaseball34
in English (translated by Babelfish)

ok I try to see from yours in case I do not succeed I enclose you my template ones.

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 14. July 2009 19:20
by Mike
Sorry, i dont understand what you mean... you can compare your File with mine to find the needed lines, oder you can just use the whole file from me...

Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 14. July 2009 19:21
by Alberto

Code: Select all

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			<div id="message" class="rules">
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Re: Help me Portal page white

Posted: 14. July 2009 19:24
by Mike
Ah, your header is modded... ok... Then you need to search my code for the string, and so you can find the place where you have to add the lines.