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"Tip for phpBB3 admins" Block

Posted: 13. July 2009 16:50
by MrBaseball34
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Can you share that block with everyone else?

Re: "Tip for phpBB3 admins" Block

Posted: 13. July 2009 18:45
by Mike
Its just the small custom Block adorned with an Image and a Link ;)

Re: "Tip for phpBB3 admins" Block

Posted: 13. July 2009 19:12
by MrBaseball34
Can you post the php and html for that block. It is not clear how to build these custom blocks.

Re: "Tip for phpBB3 admins" Block

Posted: 14. July 2009 07:23
by Mike
This is not a "builded" custom block, but the exisiting who is available via ACP.
If you want to make you own custom Block you should read this:
Knowledge Base: Adding Custom Blocks