Preferred style in 1.02

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Preferred style in 1.02

Post by thepips »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

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Description and Message
Board has a number of mods on it. I want to upgrade to version 1.03 so I'm testing it on a XAMPP system I've set up. The installation went smoothly enough but the style of the boxes and menus has changed. Is there an easy way to swap back to the style in 1.0.2?
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Re: Preferred style in 1.02

Post by Mike »

You want to have the New Portal (1.0.3) with the old Templatesystem from 1.0.2? Thats impossible, unless you downgrade your Portal to 1.0.2...

But the Question is: what is your Problem with the new System? The look is the same, (except the Menu for prosilver, wich has now Icons) and which Style do you want to use?
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Re: Preferred style in 1.02

Post by thepips »

Hi Mike,

I just preferred the look of the boxes and menus in 1.0.2 Prosilver. I've just been tinkering and temporarily replaced portal.css with the one from 1.0.2 and I've got the look I wanted :lol: I'll do a more careful comparision later and try to pick out the differences.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

Thanks for the help


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