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Posted: 23. June 2009 22:46
by zulzen
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner
Boardlink: n/a

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hello, I went and set up portal, but I got to the part we're its diy and it says run the installer, the only problem is there is around 10 installers which one is the one that need to be ran?

Re: Install

Posted: 23. June 2009 22:51
by Kevin
There is only one. ;)
After uploading the complete content of the root directory (contained in the B3P package) to your forum root directory, you have to browse to the installer. e.g:

Re: Install

Posted: 24. June 2009 00:09
by zulzen
Um I tried that, but the install.php leads to a blank white page when I try to link to it

the link I was using was which should be right but I can get it to show up.

Re: Install

Posted: 24. June 2009 00:49
by Mike
try install/index.php ;)

Re: Install

Posted: 24. June 2009 08:14
by Kevin
Yes, Mike is correct.
Sorry, my bad. The install.php was the old way. ;)

Re: Install

Posted: 25. June 2009 11:55
by jollyboy
I am struggling to hell trying to get this portal to work.... Can anyone help me.... I will buy a copy of the phpbb v3 off anyone that has it pre installed