Topic Marking not working

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Topic Marking not working

Post by Twizted »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
I had to update the board from 3.0.0 to 3.0.4. I then installed the latest portal and installed my theme that I developed for the site. Soon after people started noticing that it was not marking read posts as being read anymore.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I have backtracked to determine where the issue happened.

At first I thought it was probably phpbb or my theme having the issue so I started over in a temp directory by installling phpbb 3.0.4 files and running the database_update.php on a new install of the old 3.0.0 database. Once that was up and running I verified that topic marking was still working in the prosilver theme, it was....

I then proceeded to install my theme that I build for phpbb3 + board3 and tested topic marking again and it was still working. So, I pointed the config.php to the current database which had been having a problem with topic marking to verify it couldn't be something with the database itself and it was still working properly with marking topics. When I went back to the normal site and database just as a control, it does not work.

Description and Message
So, I have to come to the conclusion that it is something in board3 that could be causing this. Could anyone possibly point me in the right direction to hunt down this issue without having to go through and redo everything else.
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Re: Topic Marking not working

Post by Kevin »

I don't believe that this issue is belonging to B3P. It's the phpBB3 core system who is managing to mark the topics as read (in the moment you are calling the viewtopic.php). The B3P news / announcements blocks are just looking into the database, if the topic is already read or not.
No part of the B3P is manipulating the topic status itself.
The only part of the portal with writing access to the database is the ACP part of it. But only in our own table (portal_config).
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Re: Topic Marking not working

Post by Twizted »

Wierd... :(

Like I said I went back and with a fresh install of 3.0.4 files, 3.0.0 DB converted up to 3.0.4 and the theme I made for the portal site it all works.. its only the portal modified version of the files that do not work. I will keep working on it further but its been over a month trying to track this down :?

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