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News in the sidebar!

Posted: 15. March 2009 21:35
by Razer
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge
Boardlink: local

What have you done before the problem was there?
I installed many things and maked my style but I haven't a problem!

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I tried it but it didn't function.

Description and Message

I want to set the news modul on the right site in the sidebar, only with the topic title. Who can help me?


Re: News in der Seitenleiste

Posted: 16. March 2009 19:41
by Razer
No help?

Re: News in the sidebar!

Posted: 16. March 2009 21:36
by Razer
Is ir really so difficuld?

Re: News in the sidebar!

Posted: 16. March 2009 21:48
by Kevin
Razer wrote:Is ir really so difficuld?
Edit the template file to your needs and move the block to the site: Moving blocks / change order

But you'll soon recognize that you get problems with the width. There is simply too much information in this block, to put in a 180px width. Not enough space...
You can remove most of the contend, but you will get in trouble with the length of the topic titles anyway. And if you shorten them to fit, it is too short to make sense anymore.

Re: News in the sidebar!

Posted: 17. March 2009 17:03
by Razer
Kevin wrote:
Razer wrote:Is ir really so difficuld?
Edit the template file to your needs and move the block to the site: Moving blocks / change order

But you'll soon recognize that you get problems with the width. There is simply too much information in this block, to put in a 180px width. Not enough space...
You can remove most of the contend, but you will get in trouble with the length of the topic titles anyway. And if you shorten them to fit, it is too short to make sense anymore.
But when somebody can me say, how I can progarmm it so, that only the first XX Characters of the topic title are showed?