SOLVED! Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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SOLVED! Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by fireman »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner
Boardlink: http://forum/

What have you done before the problem was there?
Recently installed the Portal 102 mod.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I hav tried to reinstall, but receives the same error msg.

Description and Message
Board: phpbb v3.0.4
Style: RedSilver
Language pack: Norwegian (nb)

I have installed the portal, and received a message that the install was successful.

Edited by fireman:
SQL error solved!
The board seems to be functioning as usual, but I cant access the settings in the mods tab in ACP.
What can I do to correct this?
Last edited by fireman on 22. February 2009 01:23, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by Kevin »

Follow the rules:
Before creating a new support thread, please take a look in the board3 Portal FAQ and use the search!
Many questions have already been answered.
And you'll find this in the board3 Portal FAQ:
Table 'your_db.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist
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Re: Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by fireman »

He Kevin! thx for your prompt reply!

I ent to see the FAQ you referred to. The problem is that in my install file there are no instructions of any edits in my includes/constants.php file.

My install file is especially made for my RedSilver style. The only files I am instructed to edit is my breadcrums.html and overall_header.html!

You can see the install.xml file here:
Is there any hope that you might have the correct code for the includes/constants.php file?
Or maybe guide me to where I can find it?

Your help is greatly appreciated! :D
Edited by fireman:
Style issue solved
Last edited by fireman on 15. February 2009 22:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by Kevin »

You are talking about a style adaption.
Before doing this, follow the install instructions as stated in the install.xml, included in the Board3 Portal package.
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Re: Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by fireman »

Ok, thx for beeing så patient with me! I'm all new to this, but eager to learn! :)

Well, I have studied my install.xml file, and edited my includes/constants.php with this code:
// Additional tables

define('PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'portal_config');

After uploading the edited constants.php file I tried to access the mods tak in the ACP agan, but now I just get a blank page. (HTTP 500 error).
Could there be some files left that should have been edited? I run the ReSilver style on my site, but in the install.xml instructions there only were this setup giude for ProSilver. And according to that instruction I also should edit "functions.php, session.php etc" but in my version of these files the coding were different so I skipped them. Could this be the cause of my problems? Do I need a specific mod for this? If so, please give me a hint of where I cab download a safe version.
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Re: Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by Kevin »

fireman wrote:And according to that instruction I also should edit "functions.php, session.php etc" but in my version of these files the coding were different so I skipped them. Could this be the cause of my problems?
You need to do all the changes in order to get the portal running properly.
It's a bit weird that the code should be different, you are the first one reporting about that. ;)

Anyway, obviously your portal is already up and running:
I guess that the problems with the ACP depend on not properly done code changes, definatly not a style depending problem.
So give it another shot, open the install.xml with your browser and follow the instructions strictly.
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Re: Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by fireman »

Hi again Kevin

I have now gone through the whole routine time after time, but I still cant access the MODS tab in the ACP.

My install.xml file is referring to the "Prosilver" style, while I have the "Redsilver" style, could there be a difference in which files to edit due to different styles?

As you see the portal shows up and is working, but my problem is how to access the settings in the ACP.
Any idea in which file I should start looking for any defective coding in?

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Re: Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by fireman »

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Re: Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by Kevin »

The ACP Tabs are independent from the style you use.
Add the ACP Modules manually.
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Re: Problem accessing MODS tab in ACP

Post by fireman »

Kevin wrote:The ACP Tabs are independent from the style you use.
Add the ACP Modules manually.
OK, I think I understand what you mean, but how do I add these modules manually then. Any guide to this?

I actually think that is what I already have tried to do in the ACP, "System - Module Admin - ACP - MODS - Portal". There is all the different Portal modules listed, and they are all active according to my settings. I have tried to disable and enable them again, withpout any good result. (se link to screendump of my settings here: and

Then, when I click the ".Mods" tab, (upper right ACP menu tab) all i get is a http 500 error. I have googled the meaning of this error code, and then I went into my web browser and removed the "Friendy HTTP error messages". I then clicked ".Mods" tab again, and a total blank web page appears.

Here is the source code for the empty page:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></HEAD>

As you see there is no content at all!

Why is nothing showing up in this page? That is what I cannot understand?
If it's not a style issue, then it has to be something in the install procedure of the Board3 portal!?
OK, which file is supposed to take care of showing the portal settings under the ".Mods" tab?
Is it a missing file? Have I missed something basic in the install routine? I have checked and double checked step by step, but I'm lost now, out of ideas!

I must admit that I am very close to giving up this portal now, a pity really. I have a very active board, with nearly 15000 posts so far, and the portal would be a nice addition. So please, if anyone can help me it's highly valued and appreciated! :)

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