can not see portal

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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can not see portal

Post by italox »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
I've installed the portal, but I encountered several problems in the process.

1- could not edit .htaccess file ( but went on)
2- for some reason could not edit the prosilver style (but went on)
2- I've installed the SE pro style ( awsomwe style, by the way) from scratch
3- portal page blank.. root/forum/portal

what did I do wrong?
thank you for your help!
I am the administrator of

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
nothing yet

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Thank you for your help. I would really apreciate it
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Re: can not see portal

Post by Kevin »

It seems that you have copied all files to a wrong location. Copy all files, included in the directory "root" of the portal package, into your forum root directory - keeping the directory structure.
Your forum root directrory is:
The link to the portal should look like this afterwards:
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Re: can not see portal

Post by Christian_N »

italox wrote: 1- could not edit .htaccess file ( but went on)
3- portal page blank.. root/forum/portal
And read also Knowledge Base: Can't find the .htaccess file and How to ... get rid of blank pages in forum/portal ;)
italox wrote: 2- for some reason could not edit the prosilver style (but went on)
2- I've installed the SE pro style ( awsomwe style, by the way) from scratch
View here: ... l&df_id=36 :)
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Re: can not see portal

Post by italox »

After the installation of Forum/Mods/Portal you just see a blank page.

This error is usually caused by bad edits of a php-file.

Open the file and go the very beginning (line 1).

The file must start with

Code: Select all
and nothing else, especially no blank space or a blank line.

The very end of the file (last line) must be

Code: Select all
and nothing behind, especially no blank space or a blank line.

If you find blank space(s) and/or a blank line(s) there, just delete them.

Now save the file und upload it.

After that go and clear the phpBB3-cache.

Now the file should be displayed properly.
which file??
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Re: can not see portal

Post by italox »

Kevin wrote:It seems that you have copied all files to a wrong location. Copy all files, included in the directory "root" of the portal package, into your forum root directory - keeping the directory structure.
Your forum root directrory is:
The link to the portal should look like this afterwards:
I installed it in the root like this:

so on and so forth.. and it looks like this:

should I do?:

portal ??? If I do this, then it will be:

what am I missing??? :o :?: :?:
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Re: can not see portal

Post by italox »

OK!!! :D got it working now!!!!!! I did not installed it correctly the first time! My bad.... :oops:
If it aint broken, don't fix it!

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