Custom Subsilver Style portal install

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Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Mordynak »

Your Portal Version: 2.0.1
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hi all. Just trying to install Board 3 Portal on an old subsilver style I've updated. Just not sure what to do with the overall header file.

I have the portal installed on my site and working on prosilver fine. Just having troubles with this particular style.

I'm not able to find anything its telling too on the portals subsilver style installation guide so I just don't know where to put things.

This is the overall header.

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" dir="{S_CONTENT_DIRECTION}" lang="{S_USER_LANG}" xml:lang="{S_USER_LANG}">
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<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="description" content="" />

   phpBB style name: DarkFantasy
   Based on style:   subsilver2
   Original author:  Tom Beddard ( )
   Modified by:     Daniel St. Jules ( )

   NOTE: This page was generated by phpBB, the free open-source bulletin board package.
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<!-- ENDIF -->

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function jumpto()
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* Find a member
function find_username(url)
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<!-- IF ._file -->

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<body class="{S_CONTENT_DIRECTION}">
<a name="top"></a>

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<div id="header">
<a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a>
<div id="top_menu">
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<div id="content1">
<div id="content2">
<div id="content3">

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	<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->
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	<br />
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	<p class="searchbar">
		<span style="float: {S_CONTENT_FLOW_END};"><!-- IF S_LOAD_UNREADS --><a href="{U_SEARCH_UNREAD}">{L_SEARCH_UNREAD}</a><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> | <!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><a href="{U_SEARCH_NEW}">{L_SEARCH_NEW}</a> | <a href="{U_SEARCH_SELF}">{L_SEARCH_SELF}</a><!-- ENDIF --></span>
		<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<br style="clear: both;" /><br />
	<div id="wrapheader"></div>
All your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.[/i]
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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Kirk »

This style DarkFantasy is for the phpBB version: 3.0.7 and is unsuitable for the Portal version 2.0.1.
You have this style on the phpBB version: 3.0.11 update.
Gruß Udo

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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Mordynak »

I've already updated the style to 3.0.11. You even locked and moved a post i made asking about it.
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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Kirk »

General questions about updating style have nothing to do with the portal.
For your overall_header.html try it once with this guide: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=3389
Maybe it hiflt you.
Gruß Udo

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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Mordynak »

This topic isn't related to asking about updating a style. Only how to get Board3Portal to work on it.

Thank you for the link however. I will try it now.

EDIT: OK. Just made the changes listed on that page. They are pretty much exactly what i had tried in the past.

It has work to a certain degree. The portal shows up but the style seems to be a bit off.

The test colour isnt correct, the background image is missing. The column of the portal isn't displayed. (Currently only have the right one active) Also, it doesn't display the "Administration Control Panel" link at the bottom of the page.

Any ideas whats going on here? I imagine its just not using the correct stylesheet or something but i just don't know.

Really appreciate the help. Thank you!

EDIT 2: I also get this error message on the actual page itself.

Code: Select all

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/sites/p/ in /var/sites/p/ on line 2718
Thanks again.
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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Kirk »

This manual is for the Board3Portal Version: 1.0.4 / 1.0.5 this, there may be errors, an attempt was worth it.
Since there are not that style for phpBB 3.0.11, unfortunately I can not help sorry.
Gruß Udo
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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by archivar »

Try these instructions:
Style: DarkFantasy
Style Base: subsilver2
Style Version: 1.0.16
phpBB Version: 3.0.8
Board3Portal Version: 2.0.0b1

Style Download:
Step by Step Guide in
[+] English
First you need to download and install this Style. If it works, you can install the Portal for this Style as per description:
From the B3P-download-package you must first perform the install.xml.

copy: root/styles/subsilver2/template/portal/*.*
to: root/styles/DarkFantasy/template/portal/*.*
copy: root/styles/subsilver2/theme/images/portal/*.*
to: root/styles/DarkFantasy/theme/images/portal/*.*

open: root/styles/DarkFantasy/template/breadcrumbs.html
Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.

Code: Select all

<a href="{U_INDEX}">{L_INDEX}</a>
In-line Add before

Code: Select all

<!-- IF U_PORTAL --><a href="{U_PORTAL}">{L_PORTAL}</a> &#187; <!-- ENDIF -->
open: root/styles/DarkFantasy/template/overall_header.html
Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.

Code: Select all

<div id="content3">
Add after
Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find.

Code: Select all

Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.

Code: Select all

<!-- IF S_BOARD_DISABLED and S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><br /><span style="color: red;">{L_BOARD_DISABLED}</span><!-- ENDIF --></p>
Add before
Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.

Code: Select all

<!-- ENDIF -->
Add after
Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find.

Code: Select all

Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.

Code: Select all

<div id="wrapheader"></div>
Add before
Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.

Code: Select all

<!-- ENDIF -->
open: root/styles/DarkFantasy/template/portal/_block_config.html
Replace with
Tip: Replace the preceding line(s) to find with the following lines.

Code: Select all

<!-- Config for the left and right blocks //-->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_L = '<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tr><th style="padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 10px;"><span style="float: left;">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_R = '</span></th></tr></table>' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_R = '<br />' -->

<!-- Config for the center blocks //-->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_L = '<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><th><span style="text-align: center">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_R = '</span></th></tr></table>' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_R = '<br />' -->

<!-- Images-URL //-->
<!-- DEFINE $WHOS_IMAGES = '/images/whosonline.gif' -->
<!-- DEFINE $NO_AVATAR_IMG = '/images/no_avatar.gif' -->

<!-- Vertical distance between left/right and center Blocks -->
<!-- DEFINE $BLOCK_DISTANCE = '10px' -->

<!-- show Icons in left/right Blocks? 0=no 1=yes -->
<!-- DEFINE $S_BLOCK_ICON = 1 -->

<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP for this style? 0=no 1=yes -->

<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP - set the width if enabled -->
additional changes: no
DIY instructions: Knowledge Base: Changes to forums styles
Schritt für Schritt Anleitung in
[+] Deutsch
Als erstes musst du das Style downloaden und Installieren. Wenn das geschafft ist und das Style läuft, kannst du das Portal für das Style nach folgender Anleitung installieren:
Aus dem B3P-download-paket must Du zuerst die install.xml ausführen.

kopiere: root/styles/subsilver2/template/portal/*.*
nach: root/styles/DarkFantasy/template/portal/*.*
kopiere: root/styles/subsilver2/theme/images/portal/*.*
nach: root/styles/DarkFantasy/theme/images/portal/*.*

Öffne: root/styles/DarkFantasy/template/breadcrumbs.html
Hinweis: Der zu findende Code kann auch nur ein Teil einer Zeile sein.

Code: Select all

<a href="{U_INDEX}">{L_INDEX}</a>
In der Zeile davor einfügen

Code: Select all

<!-- IF U_PORTAL --><a href="{U_PORTAL}">{L_PORTAL}</a> &#187; <!-- ENDIF -->
Öffne: root/styles/DarkFantasy/template/overall_header.html
Hinweis: Der zu findende Code kann auch nur ein Teil einer Zeile sein.

Code: Select all

<div id="content3">
Danach einfügen
Hinweis: Diese Zeile(n) werden in einer neuen Zeile nach den/der gerade gesuchten eingefügt.

Code: Select all

Hinweis: Der zu findende Code kann auch nur ein Teil einer Zeile sein.

Code: Select all

<!-- IF S_BOARD_DISABLED and S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><br /><span style="color: red;">{L_BOARD_DISABLED}</span><!-- ENDIF --></p>
Davor einfügen
Hinweis: Diese Zeile(n) werden in einer neuen Zeile vor den/der gerade gesuchten eingefügt.

Code: Select all

<!-- ENDIF -->
Danach einfügen
Hinweis: Diese Zeile(n) werden in einer neuen Zeile nach den/der gerade gesuchten eingefügt.

Code: Select all

Hinweis: Der zu findende Code kann auch nur ein Teil einer Zeile sein.

Code: Select all

<div id="wrapheader"></div>
Davor einfügen
Hinweis: Diese Zeile(n) werden in einer neuen Zeile vor den/der gerade gesuchten eingefügt.

Code: Select all

<!-- ENDIF -->
Öffne: root/styles/DarkFantasy/template/portal/_block_config.html
Ersetzen mit
Hinweis: Die genannten Zeile(n) werden mit den/der folgenden ersetzt.

Code: Select all

<!-- Config for the left and right blocks //-->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_L = '<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tr><th style="padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 10px;"><span style="float: left;">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_R = '</span></th></tr></table>' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_R = '<br />' -->

<!-- Config for the center blocks //-->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_L = '<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><th><span style="text-align: center">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_R = '</span></th></tr></table>' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_R = '<br />' -->

<!-- Images-URL //-->
<!-- DEFINE $WHOS_IMAGES = '/images/whosonline.gif' -->
<!-- DEFINE $NO_AVATAR_IMG = '/images/no_avatar.gif' -->

<!-- Vertical distance between left/right and center Blocks -->
<!-- DEFINE $BLOCK_DISTANCE = '10px' -->

<!-- show Icons in left/right Blocks? 0=no 1=yes -->
<!-- DEFINE $S_BLOCK_ICON = 1 -->

<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP for this style? 0=no 1=yes -->

<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP - set the width if enabled -->
zusätzliche Änderungen: nein
Manuelle Vorgänge: Knowledge Base: Änderungen an den Styles Dateien
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Mordynak »

Thanks again guys.

Archivar. Do i need to install that exact style version you linked to?

I ask because I already downloaded this version of the style and updated it according to this page. Then I added the portal files included in your mod to the style. Other than that, and the changes Kirk kindly assisted me with, that's all I've changed.
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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by archivar »

Mordynak wrote: Archivar. Do i need to install that exact style version you linked to?
I had the instructions written in 2011 but not published because of the styles to old version.
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Mordynak »

I've been unsuccessful in getting this working so far. This is the board now with the changes made.

I could make a test account so you can have a look at the style. Its an active board so im currently using the working modded prosilver style.

If theres anything you need to know in order to help let me know. I'm really not sure what to do.

Thanks guys
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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by archivar »

I do not understand what problem you have? :?
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Mordynak »

Well it looks like this
Image And there is no admin control panel link at the bottom.

The style works 100% on everything but the portal. Also, the standard subsilver style is working fine with the portal.

Thanks again.
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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by archivar »

I can not see the styles "DarkFantasy".
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by Mordynak »

Ok, i just set it so that guests could change the style via the portal. And the style works fine for guests, but as soon as you login it breaks.
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Re: Custom Subsilver Style portal install

Post by archivar »

Give me admin access via PM.
And they turn on the debug mode.
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english
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