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Mod/Portal Tab is Missing in ACP

Posted: 25. August 2009 15:39
by EOS20D
Your Portal Version: 1.0.03
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
I have spent all week reading up on the forum.
I installed phpbb3 on my business server.
I installed your great Portal.
All worked OK.
I used bigdump to install a full backup from my current forum host.
This was OK as a guest but login and I get SQL errors because my forum backup was done with aeroblue as default.
I installed your aeroblue files.
Everything is now working, full forum, portal works great. No problems at all, except one.
In the ACP there is no Portal/Mod tab.
I looked and the Mod tab is enabled.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Nothing yet.

Description and Message
I am too scared to mess around with it as it is nearly perfect in everyway.

Please can someone tell me what I have to do to get the Portal/Mod tab to appear in the ACM

I have spent so much time on this and I am very close to having it perfect.......

Re: Mod/Portal Tab is Missing in ACP

Posted: 25. August 2009 18:31
by EOS20D
This is what I did to solve the problem.

Went to phpmyadmin and deleted the portal_config file in my database.

I then put the Portal install folder back on the server.
I then browsed to my website/install/

The installer ran perfectly with no errors.

I deleted the install folder from the server.

Now every thing is Perfect ;)

I have the mods tab back in the ACP.

I am now very happy indeed.

Moral of the story seems to be make sure you have the correct styles etc in place before you run the installer...


Re: Mod/Portal Tab is Missing in ACP

Posted: 28. August 2009 15:10
by Fliz
I have the same problem. But Im not as good on this.
Where do I find this config file?

Re: Mod/Portal Tab is Missing in ACP

Posted: 30. August 2009 20:27
by Ice
You can add the portal manually by doing:

ACP -> System -> Module management -> Administration Control Panel -> .MODS

Create new module -> Portal

Click Portal

Find Portal [acp_portal] in the drop down on the bottom right, for every option under the heading Portal click add module.

Make sure .MODS, Portal and all modules under that are enabled.