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AcidTech - Where are my buttons?

Posted: 16. March 2010 00:11
by dylanlegit
Your Portal Version: 1.0.5
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 3.0.7

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Tried reinstalling the style/portal.

Description and Message
Alright so I downloaded the AcidTech skin version 3.0.7 with that colorize it thing and installed it on my forum and the portal everything works except my new topic, reply buttons and all that don't show up. Tried to purge all the different things that one topic says too.

So I thought the colorize thing messed it up.

Went and downloaded just the regular AcidTech, and still there are no buttons.

What is goin on?

Re: AcidTech - Where are my buttons?

Posted: 16. March 2010 13:01
by Marc
You need the buttons for your language. As this has nothing to do with the Portal, I'm moving the topic to "General phpBB3 Support".

Re: AcidTech - Where are my buttons?

Posted: 16. March 2010 22:10
by dylanlegit
I am still unsure of how to solve this, I assumed buttons would actually come with a skin, how am I supposed to track down the right buttons for that skin?

Also this has to be related to the portal. I just RE-INSTALLED subsilver2, checked out my board index, had all my buttons, installed everything for the portal and did the edits, and my buttons disappeared.

Re: AcidTech - Where are my buttons?

Posted: 17. March 2010 07:35
by Marc
You need an imageset for your language. What language do you have on your board and what folders do you have inside the imageset folder of your styles?

Re: AcidTech - Where are my buttons?

Posted: 18. March 2010 20:49
by dylanlegit
English language, all styles have the EN folder within the imageset..

Alright so I did more searching and when i go to and click prosliver/imagesets nothing shows up, but yet my ftp shows files being there and I have no buttons on that skin when on the website.. has all buttons also including the EN folder for my language just like prosilver.
On subsilver2 half the buttons show up and the others have text in place which is a link such as the the reply button shows up as "Write Comments" and is a link.

I will try re-installing each style again and adding the portal to it since I have already tried refreshing imagesets/templates etc.. and purge the cache.