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Creating Custom Blocks (2.0.x)

Posted: 12. July 2011 16:03
by Bagpuss

I have recently installed Board3 Portal 2.0.0b1 (PhpBB3 2.0.8) and it all works great. I am now trying to add in an additional custom block but the procedure I used to follow in the guidelines at knowledge/kb_show.php?id=51) no longer seems to apply in this version?

Any chance of an update for 2.0.x on what we now need to do with this new version?

Re: Creating Custom Blocks (2.0.x)

Posted: 12. July 2011 17:58
by playagiron

no, it's completely changed AFAIK.
But here is a description of how to create Blocks:
Also, you can edit existing ones or take them as template for your own block:

It is really nice and very clean, much more straightforward than in 1.0.6!