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Table 'discover_forumss.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [

Posted: 27. September 2009 21:19
by KaliMist
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
just followed the online help install file

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Table 'discover_forumss.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [1146]

An SQL error occurred while fetching this page

Hi ive got a problem with this above error

ive been following this install
for the last 2hrs verry carfull not to go wrong but when i got to the end there was no
Browse to install/ and run the installer in my folders :o
and now our site is giving the above error

any help about this would be great thanks in advance

Re: Table 'discover_forumss.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [

Posted: 27. September 2009 21:30
by Kevin

Re: Table 'discover_forumss.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [

Posted: 27. September 2009 21:41
by KaliMist
i dont suppose there is a certain part in the instructions that this error refers to or do you need to go through the full lot again ?

thanks for the speedy reply aswell

Re: Table 'discover_forumss.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [

Posted: 27. September 2009 21:45
by KaliMist
also in some folders there seems to be duplicates of the same file :?
even though i deleted the old files one at a time after each one was updated :o

Re: Table 'discover_forumss.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [

Posted: 27. September 2009 22:02
by dokkie
Hi kali can I help, in any way?

Re: Table 'discover_forumss.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [

Posted: 27. September 2009 22:04
by dokkie
did u think of the forum style. or doens't that metter :?: