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Change font size in a single block
Posted: 8. November 2014 22:55
by cwjs
Your Portal Version: 2.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner
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Description and Message
Sorry the question may be obvious to some but, I would like to increase the size of the font in the recent block only, could someone explain how
Re: Change font size in a single block
Posted: 9. November 2014 09:34
by Kirk
Replace with:
Code: Select all
<span style="font-size:2em">{$TITLE}</span>
Change at
2em to your specifications.
DIY instructions: Knowledge Base: Changes to forums styles
Re: Change font size in a single block
Posted: 9. November 2014 13:00
by cwjs
Hi Kirk,
Thanks for helping, but it only changes the title of the block, I want it to change what is inside the block (recent topics etc)
Re: Change font size in a single block
Posted: 9. November 2014 13:43
by Kirk
Open this Block
Code: Select all
<!-- IF .latest_announcements --><td class="row1"><strong>{L_PORTAL_RECENT_ANN}</strong></td><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF .latest_hot_topics --><td class="row1"><strong>{L_PORTAL_RECENT_HOT_TOPIC}</strong></td><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF .latest_topics --><td class="row1"><strong>{L_PORTAL_RECENT_TOPIC}</strong></td><!-- ENDIF -->
Add before:
Tip: Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.
Add after:
Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find.
Find 3x :
Replace with 3x :
Code: Select all
<span class="gensmall" style="font-size:2em">
Change at 2em to your specifications.
Re: Change font size in a single block
Posted: 9. November 2014 19:40
by cwjs
Hi Kirk,
Brilliant !!, thanks for your help.