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Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 1. October 2009 03:12
by blastman
Ok updated >>>> Thanks very much mike for all your time and help with this it meen very much to our community and i will be sending ya some GREEN shortly :) thanks again

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 1. October 2009 03:17
by Mike
Go to your ACP -> Portal -> news -> Display the number of replies and views: -> NO

This should make your news Block looks better ;)

Ah, and You're welcome! ;)

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 1. October 2009 03:40
by blastman
one last thing mike when you look at the board index it has a dark brown black and then when you scroll over the forum it goes solid black ... is there a way to make the inner portal blocks be that brown black ?

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 1. October 2009 20:30
by Mike
The Backgroundcolor of Center Blocks is not a part of the config, since there are some differences between each block.
This is what you can do with the config :
If you want more, you have to change the colors in the stylesheets for the whole Style...

open colors.css and search for

Code: Select all

.bg1	{ background-color: #1a1a1a; }
If you change this to #000000 you will have the black backround in most center Blocks too ;)
But this is not advisable since you change this color for the whole Style. Maybe theres a place where is looks ugly then ;)

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 2. October 2009 03:27
by blastman
thank you also mike i have a post in modification support and nobody has replied in two days :(

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 2. October 2009 21:37
by Jaz
Hey I don't suppose Mike or blastman could link me(in this thread or pm) to a link for this style with the edits for board3? :)

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 2. October 2009 21:46
by Mike
You cannot download this Style as a complete adapted package. You have to do the changes by yourself.
An Instalinstruction for this and other Styles will follow over the time. But at the Moment ive got noi time for it, so you can take the Header and config from this Thread.

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 2. October 2009 23:53
by blastman
mike please take a look at this as i installed the portal onto my primary domain and now things dont seem to look right

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 3. October 2009 18:35
by Mike
I did not see anything... No Portal, no forums... ;)

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 3. October 2009 21:15
by =TQC=Chief
Hi Mike, I have follow all the instruction is given here .. but no succes to make it work.

This is horrible :roll:

2 different view .. Explorer 8 and Firefox

Thx for support!

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 3. October 2009 21:44
by Mike
Please try to use this Config, and tell me if it works better:


Re: BlackSmoke

Posted: 3. October 2009 22:31
by =TQC=Chief
better in a fresh installation but samething with portal look in Explorer 8

in firefox its look ok but center latest news dont look clean like yours

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 3. October 2009 22:36
by Mike
I moved your Post, since we dont need to discuss this in two topics ;)

Did you refreshed your caches? Cause i testet this and it erases the error with the header in center blocks...

EDIT: in my IE8 an FF your site looks the same as mine... with nor errors... ;)
EDIT2: try to set ACP->Portal->News->Display the number of replies and views: NO

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 3. October 2009 22:43
by =TQC=Chief
Yes .. I refresh template, theme, imageset and clear cache.

test on 2 computer ...same look
Samething for me.

Re: Black Smoke Style

Posted: 3. October 2009 22:46
by Mike
Did you talk about or
Cause the style=2 looks great for me. In both IE8 and FF but style=7 has the error with the headers...
Did you read my edits?