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Re: Portal misaligned

Posted: 8. November 2009 18:56
by MetalRush
I have a similar problem... I think...

If you take a look at our test-forum (am glad I have that possibility), you see that the left and right column are too wide.
I tried to find the file/setting(s) responsible, but could not solve it.
I also tried the header-file in this thread... not the solution for us.
It is a custom skin, but I hope you can point me in the right direction.


Re: Portal misaligned

Posted: 8. November 2009 20:28
by Mike
Without any links to see your problem its impossible to tell you what to do.

Re: Portal misaligned

Posted: 8. November 2009 23:02
by MetalRush
:shock: I am sure I <CTRL> V'ed it...

But ok, another try :roll:

Re: Portal misaligned

Posted: 9. November 2009 22:08
by Mike
Ok... it took me hours to find, but now i got it ;)
You have an missplaced <!-- ENDIF --> into your header.

open overall_header.html


Code: Select all

				<!-- ENDIF -->

			<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

	<a name="start_here"></a>
change to:

Code: Select all


			<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
	<a name="start_here"></a>

Re: Portal misaligned

Posted: 9. November 2009 22:46
by MetalRush
Wow Mike... you da man :P
I searched also for hours, but I did not recognize it.
My guess is that I messed it up during update from version 1.0.2 to 1.0.4
I had to do it all manually, since my AUTOMOD did not like the script (perhaps also due to the fact that we use a custom theme).
But all kudo's to you my friend :mrgreen:

Thanks for helping out.
Now to find the ideal setup for our portal page and then kick it to the live server 8-)