Making a news mod for board3

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Making a news mod for board3

Post by shadow »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
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Your knowledge: Beginner

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If a medator or admin want to put exact topic to portal,he should post it as a Global announcement,but it can bothering when Global announcements are too much !

How can I make a mod in board 3 so make a new method such as news,and when a medator/admin send a topic as a news shows in portal ?

I dont think it is too hard ?
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Re: Making a news mod for board3

Post by Kevin »

To get it with the given technic i would do it like this:
- Create a forum for announcements (not global!)
- Set the permissions only for moderators / admins
- Set the portal to display the announcements from this forum
- Disable permission check for announcements on the portal

Tadaa ;)
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Re: Making a news mod for board3

Post by shadow »

Thanks,but if I do this the problem of global announcements not solved !

If I can post what I want to show in portal as a News (and NOT normat,sticy,announcement,Global announcement),I think it should be great (something such as KVTM portal)

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