Font Color?

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Font Color?

Post by PharaohsVizier »

Your phpBB Version: 3.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
I used the RC1 version of Board3 which used a different who is online box.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Nothing really...

Description and Message
Hi everybody,

I think this might fall into the category of bugs. But when you have a dark blue skin your font shows up in dark blue in IE7 and not Firefox.


I was hoping that I could manually change the whoisonline box to set that color to white, but I didn't know how. I figured it would be quite a simple code, but, I'm quite a newbie. :( So if someone could tell me quickly what code I use to make the font white, or something, pray tell.

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Re: Font Color?

Post by Kevin »

Just took a look on your forum.
The font shows up in white for me - with Firefox3 and IE7.
I think it could be this:
When you're logged on, the "Who is online" text is a link to the viewonline.php - maybe you have visited this site in your actual session and the black font is the color of already visited links in your style.
If you don't like it, change the color of visited links or remove the link from the whois_online.html, but i don't think that this is a bug.
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

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Re: Font Color?

Post by Heinrich-XIV »


This is not a Bug, this is a Styele based problem or feature ;). I use the same Style from John Olson (AeroBlueX full) in Version 1.21 and had the same like you. This is only, when a User is not logged in. I changed the color for "visited Links" in the stylesheet.css.



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Joined: 15. August 2008 07:05

Re: Font Color?

Post by PharaohsVizier »

Errrm sorry for my stupidity, but I can't exactly find the visited links, what exactly do I look for in my stylesheet? Theres no visited links section. :o

Code: Select all

/*  phpBB 3.0 Style Sheet
	Style name:		AeroBlueX
	Based on style:	subSilver (the default phpBB 2 style)
	Original author:	subBlue ( )
	Copyright 2006 phpBB Group ( )

/* Layout
 ------------ */
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--------------------------------------------- */
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p.datetime {
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p.forumdesc {
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p.topicdetails {
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/* Tables
 ------------ */
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td.profile {
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.pollbg { background: #EFF7FB url('./images/pollbg.gif') repeat-x;
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.spacer {
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hr {
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/* Links
 ------------ */
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a:visited {
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a:hover {
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a.forumlink {
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a.topictitle {
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th a,
th a:visited {
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th a:hover {
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/* Form Elements
 ------------ */
form {
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textarea {
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select {
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option {
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option.disabled-option {
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.rtl option {
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} {
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.btnfile {
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.helpline {
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/* BBCode
 ------------ */
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	font-weight: bold;

.attachtitle {
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.quotetitle .quotetitle {
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.quotecontent, .attachcontent {
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.attachcontent {
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.codecontent {
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.syntaxdefault {
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.syntaxhtml {
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.syntaxkeyword {
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.syntaxstring {
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/* Private messages
 ------------------ */
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.pm_replied_colour {
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.pm_friend_colour {
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.pm_foe_colour {
	background-color: #DD0000;

/* Misc
 ------------ */
img {
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.nb {
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.sep {
	color: black;
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table.colortable td {
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pre {
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.nowrap {
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.username-coloured {
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.buttons {
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/* Rollover state */
.buttons div {
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/* Rolloff state */
.buttons div a {
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.profile-icons {
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/* Rollover state */
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/* Rolloff state */
.profile-icons div a {
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.review-icons {
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/* Rollover state */
.review-icons div {
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/* Rolloff state */
.review-icons div a {
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	overflow: hidden;

/* Hide <a> text and hide off-state image when rolling over (prevents flicker in IE) */
/*.buttons div span		{ display: none; }*/
/*.buttons div a:hover	{ background-image: none; }*/
.buttons div span			{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; cursor: pointer;}
.buttons div a:hover span	{ background-position: 0 100%; }

/* Big button images */
.reply-icon span, .post-icon span, .locked-icon span	{ background: transparent none 0 0 no-repeat; }
.pmreply-icon span, .newpm-icon span, .forwardpm-icon span	{ background: none 0 0 no-repeat; }

/* Set big button dimensions */
.buttons div.reply-icon, .buttons, .buttons div.locked-icon, .buttons div.pmreply-icon, .buttons div.newpm-icon, .buttons div.forwardpm-icon		{ width: 91px; height: 30px; }

/* Hide <a> text and hide off-state image when rolling over (prevents flicker in IE) */
.profile-icons span { display:none; }
.profile-icons a:hover { background: none; }
.review-icons span { display:none; }
.review-icons a:hover { background: none; }

/* Profile & navigation icons */
.quote-icon, .quote-icon a, .report-icon, .report-icon a, .warn-icon, .warn-icon a, .edit-icon, .edit-icon a, .delete-icon, .delete-icon a, .info-icon, .info-icon a	{ background: none top left no-repeat; }

/* Set profile icon dimensions */
.profile-icons div.quote-icon, .review-icons div.quote-icon	{ width: 43px; height: 18px; }
.profile-icons, .profile-icons, .profile-icons div.warn-icon	{ width: 19px; height: 18px; }
.profile-icons div.edit-icon, .review-icons div.edit-icon	{ width: 34px; height: 18px; }
.profile-icons div.delete-icon, .review-icons div.delete-icon	{ width: 17px; height: 18px; }

.reply-icon span	{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/button_topic_reply.png"); }
.post-icon span		{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/button_topic_new.png"); }
.locked-icon span	{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/button_topic_locked.png"); }
.pmreply-icon span	{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/button_pm_reply.png"); }
.newpm-icon span 	{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/button_pm_new.png"); }
.forwardpm-icon span	{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/button_pm_forward.png"); }

/* Profile & navigation icons */
.quote-icon, .quote-icon a		{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/icon_post_quote.png"); }

/* Moderator icons */
.report-icon, .report-icon a		{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/icon_post_report.png"); }
.edit-icon, .edit-icon a			{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/icon_post_edit.png"); }
.delete-icon, .delete-icon a		{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/icon_post_delete.png"); }
.info-icon, .info-icon a			{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/icon_post_info.png"); }
.warn-icon, .warn-icon a			{ background-image: url("{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/icon_user_warn.png"); }
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Joined: 16. May 2008 18:39 User: Heinze 1906 User: Heinrich-XIV
Location: 52353 Düren

Re: Font Color?

Post by Heinrich-XIV »

Hello again

Not the same steelsheet_html or a changed one. Try to make this:

Search in the areobluex/template/index_body.html (for forum) or aerobluex/template/portal/block/whois_online.html (for portal)

Code: Select all

<!-- IF U_VIEWONLINE --><h4><a class="genmedw" href="{U_VIEWONLINE}">{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</a></h4><!-- ELSE --><h4>{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</h4><!-- ENDIF --></td>
replace with:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF U_VIEWONLINE --><h4><a class="genmedw" href="{U_VIEWONLINE}" style="color: #FFFFFF;">{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</a></h4><!-- ELSE --><h4>{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</h4><!-- ENDIF --></td>
After this, purge the cache via ACP to make the changes visible.



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Re: Font Color?

Post by PharaohsVizier »

Wow, worked great, thanks so much. :lol:
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Posts: 233
Joined: 16. May 2008 18:39 User: Heinze 1906 User: Heinrich-XIV
Location: 52353 Düren

Re: Font Color?

Post by Heinrich-XIV »

No problem,

Good on you.



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