2tes "Menü"-Modul

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2tes "Menü"-Modul

Post by yoji »

Hallo erstmal...
ich hoffe ich poste hier richtig!

Und Zwar habe ich das Portal installiert , alles läuft super , nix zu meckern!

Nun gibt es ja das "menü"-modul und das "link"-modul!
Das Menü-modul gefällt mir wesentlich besser als das für die "links" , da man im menü-modul, kategorien (wenn man es so nennen will / kann) anlegen kann!
ich habe versucht ein zweites menü-modul nach der methode in diesem beitrag hier:

... einzufügen!
Die Zip datei hat es hochgeladen , es wird mir nur leider nichts angezeigt....
(wenn ich ein neues modul einfügen will)

was mach ich falsch... bzw. muss ich noch tun!?

mfg yoji
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phpBB.de User: Kirk

Re: 2tes "Menü"-Modul

Post by Kirk »

Wenn du den gleichen Namen verwendest wird dir auch nichts angezeigt weil dieses Modul ja schon aktiv ist.
Les dir das mal durch knowledge/kb_show.php?id=58
Gruß Udo

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phpBB.de User: Multjet I 199
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Re: 2tes "Menü"-Modul

Post by yoji »

danke für den link....

hab es nach der methode versucht!
zeigt mir trotzdem nix an ...

nun ja... soll nicht sein...
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phpBB.de User: Kirk

Re: 2tes "Menü"-Modul

Post by Kirk »

Ich hab jetzt diese Menü Modul etwas verändert so funktioniert es.
Mache folgendes:
1. Erstelle eine Datei Namens portal_link_menu.php mit folgendem Inhalt:

Code: Select all

* @package Board3 Portal v2 - Portal Link Menu 
* @copyright (c) Board3 Group ( www.board3.de )
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

* @package Portal Link Menu
class portal_link_menu_module
	* Allowed columns: Just sum up your options (Exp: left + right = 10)
	* top		1
	* left		2
	* center	4
	* right		8
	* bottom	16
	public $columns = 10;

	* Default modulename
	public $name = 'M_LINK_MENU';

	* Default module-image:
	* file must be in "{T_THEME_PATH}/images/portal/"
	public $image_src = 'portal_menu.png';

	* module-language file
	* file must be in "language/{$user->lang}/mods/portal/"
	public $language = 'portal_link_menu_module';
	* custom acp template
	* file must be in "adm/style/portal/"
	public $custom_acp_tpl = 'acp_portal_menu';
	* constants
	const LINK_CAT = 0;
	const LINK_INT = 1;
	const LINK_EXT = 2;

	public function get_template_side($module_id)
		global $config, $template, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $user, $db;

		$links = array();
		$portal_config = obtain_portal_config();
		$links = $this->utf_unserialize($portal_config['board3_menu_array_' . $module_id]);
		// get user's groups
		$sql = 'SELECT group_id
				WHERE user_id = ' . (int) $user->data['user_id'] . '
				ORDER BY group_id ASC';
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			$groups_ary[] = $row['group_id'];
		for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($links); $i++)
			if($links[$i]['type'] == self::LINK_CAT)
				$template->assign_block_vars('portalmenu', array(
					'CAT_TITLE'		=> (isset($user->lang[$links[$i]['title']])) ? $user->lang[$links[$i]['title']] : $links[$i]['title'],
					'MODULE_ID'		=> $module_id,
				if($links[$i]['type'] == self::LINK_INT)
					$links[$i]['url'] = str_replace('&', '&', $links[$i]['url']); // we need to do this in order to prevent XHTML validation errors
					$cur_url = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . $links[$i]['url']); // the user should know what kind of file it is
					$cur_url = $links[$i]['url'];
				$cur_permissions = explode(',', $links[$i]['permission']);
				$permission_check = array_intersect($groups_ary, $cur_permissions);
				if(!empty($permission_check) || $links[$i]['permission'] == '')
					$template->assign_block_vars('portalmenu.links', array(
						'LINK_TITLE'		=> (isset($user->lang[$links[$i]['title']])) ? $user->lang[$links[$i]['title']] : $links[$i]['title'],
						'LINK_URL'			=> $cur_url,
						'NEW_WINDOW'		=> ($links[$i]['type'] != self::LINK_INT && $config['board3_menu_url_new_window_' . $module_id]) ? true : false,

		return 'link_menu_side.html';

	public function get_template_acp($module_id)
		// do not remove this as it is needed in order to run manage_links
        return array(
			'title'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_MENU',
			'vars'	=> array(
				'legend1'				=> 'ACP_PORTAL_MENU',
				'board3_menu_' . $module_id	=> array('lang' => 'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_MANAGE', 'validate' => 'string',	'type' => 'custom',	'explain' => true, 'method' => 'manage_links', 'submit' => 'update_links'),
				'board3_menu_url_new_window_' . $module_id => array('lang' => 'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_EXT_NEW_WINDOW', 'validate' => 'bool', 'type' => 'radio:yes_no', 'explain' => false),

	* API functions
	public function install($module_id)
		global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $db;
		// get the correct group IDs from the database
		$in_ary = array('GUESTS', 'REGISTERED', 'REGISTERED_COPPA');
		$sql = 'SELECT group_id, group_name FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('group_name', $in_ary);
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			$groups_ary[$row['group_name']] = $row['group_id'];
		$links = array();
		$links_titles = array(
		$links_types = array(
		$links_urls = array(
			'index.' . $phpEx,
			'search.' . $phpEx,
			'ucp.' . $phpEx . '?mode=register',
			'memberlist.' . $phpEx,
			'memberlist.' . $phpEx . '?mode=leaders',
			'faq.' . $phpEx,
			'faq.' . $phpEx . '?mode=bbcode',
			'ucp.' . $phpEx . '?mode=terms',
			'ucp.' . $phpEx . '?mode=privacy',
		$links_permissions = array(
			$groups_ary['REGISTERED'] . ',' . $groups_ary['REGISTERED_COPPA'],
			$groups_ary['REGISTERED'] . ',' . $groups_ary['REGISTERED_COPPA'],
		foreach($links_urls as $i => $url)
			$links[] = array(
				'title' 		=> $links_titles[$i],
				'url'			=> $links_urls[$i],
				'type'			=> $links_types[$i],
				'permission'	=> $links_permissions[$i],
		$board3_menu_array = serialize($links);
		set_portal_config('board3_menu_array_' . $module_id, $board3_menu_array);
		set_config('board3_menu_' . $module_id, '');
		set_config('board3_menu_url_new_window_' . $module_id, 0);
		return true;

	public function uninstall($module_id)
		global $db;

		$del_config = array(
			'board3_menu_array_' . $module_id,
			WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('config_name', $del_config);
		$del_config = array(
			'board3_menu_' . $module_id,
			'board3_menu_url_new_window_' . $module_id,
		$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . CONFIG_TABLE . '
			WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('config_name', $del_config);
		return $db->sql_query($sql);
	// Manage the menu links
	public function manage_links($value, $key, $module_id)
		global $config, $phpbb_admin_path, $user, $phpEx, $db, $template;
		$action = request_var('action', '');
		$action = (isset($_POST['add'])) ? 'add' : $action;
		$action = (isset($_POST['save'])) ? 'save' : $action;
		$link_id = request_var('id', 99999999); // 0 will trigger unwanted behavior, therefore we set a number we should never reach
		$portal_config = obtain_portal_config();
		$links = array();

		$links = $this->utf_unserialize($portal_config['board3_menu_array_' . $module_id]);

		$u_action = append_sid($phpbb_admin_path . 'index.' . $phpEx, 'i=portal&mode=config&module_id=' . $module_id);

		switch ($action)
			// Save changes
			case 'save':
				if (!check_form_key('acp_portal'))
					trigger_error($user->lang['FORM_INVALID']. adm_back_link($u_action), E_USER_WARNING);

				$link_title = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('link_title', ' ', true));
				$link_is_cat = request_var('link_is_cat', false);
				$link_type = (!$link_is_cat) ? request_var('link_type', self::LINK_INT) : self::LINK_CAT;
				$link_url = ($link_is_cat) ? ' ' : request_var('link_url', ' ');
				$link_url = str_replace('&', '&', $link_url);
				$link_permission = request_var('permission-setting-menu', array(0 => ''));
				$groups_ary = array();
				// get groups and check if the selected groups actually exist
				$sql = 'SELECT group_id
						FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . '
						ORDER BY group_id ASC';
				$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
				while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
					$groups_ary[] = $row['group_id'];
				$link_permissions = array_intersect($link_permission, $groups_ary);
				$link_permissions = implode(',', $link_permissions);

				// Check for errors
				if (!$link_title)
					trigger_error($user->lang['NO_LINK_TITLE'] . adm_back_link($u_action), E_USER_WARNING);

				if (!$link_is_cat && !$link_url)
					trigger_error($user->lang['NO_LINK_URL'] . adm_back_link($u_action), E_USER_WARNING);

				// overwrite already existing links and make sure we don't try to save a link outside of the normal array size of $links
				if (isset($link_id) && $link_id < sizeof($links))
					$message = $user->lang['LINK_UPDATED'];
					$links[$link_id] = array(
						'title' 		=> $link_title,
						'url'			=> htmlspecialchars_decode($link_url),
						'type'			=> $link_type,
						'permission'	=> $link_permissions,

					add_log('admin', 'LOG_PORTAL_LINK_UPDATED', $link_title);
					$message = $user->lang['LINK_ADDED'];

					if($link_type != self::LINK_CAT && sizeof($links) < 1)
						trigger_error($user->lang['ACP_PORTAL_MENU_CREATE_CAT'] . adm_back_link($u_action), E_USER_WARNING);
					$links[] = array(
						'title' 		=> $link_title,
						'url'			=> htmlspecialchars_decode($link_url),
						'type'			=> $link_type,
						'permission'	=> $link_permissions,
					add_log('admin', 'LOG_PORTAL_LINK_ADDED', $link_title);
				$board3_menu_array = serialize($links);
				set_portal_config('board3_menu_array_' . $module_id, $board3_menu_array);

				trigger_error($message . adm_back_link($u_action));


			// Delete link
			case 'delete':

				if (!isset($link_id) && $link_id >= sizeof($links))
					trigger_error($user->lang['MUST_SELECT_LINK'] . adm_back_link($u_action), E_USER_WARNING);

				if (confirm_box(true))
					$cur_link_title = $links[$link_id]['title'];
					// delete the selected link and reset the array numbering afterwards
					array_splice($links, $link_id, 1);
					$links = array_merge($links);
					$board3_menu_array = serialize($links);
					set_portal_config('board3_menu_array_' . $module_id, $board3_menu_array);

					add_log('admin', 'LOG_PORTAL_LINK_REMOVED', $cur_link_title);
					confirm_box(false, $user->lang['CONFIRM_OPERATION'], build_hidden_fields(array(
						'link_id'	=> $link_id,
						'action'	=> 'delete',


			// Move items up or down
			case 'move_up':
			case 'move_down':

				if (!isset($link_id) && $link_id >= sizeof($links))
					trigger_error($user->lang['MUST_SELECT_LINK'] . adm_back_link($u_action), E_USER_WARNING);

				// make sure we don't try to move a link where it can't be moved
				if (($link_id == 0 && $action == 'move_up') || ($link_id == (sizeof($links) - 1) && $action == 'move_down'))

				* on move_down, switch position with next order_id...
				* on move_up, switch position with previous order_id...
				* move up means a lower ID, move down means a higher ID
				$switch_order_id = ($action == 'move_down') ? $link_id + 1 : $link_id - 1;

				// back up the info of the link we want to move
				$cur_link = array(
					'title' 		=> $links[$link_id]['title'],
					'url'			=> $links[$link_id]['url'],
					'type'			=> $links[$link_id]['type'],
					'permission'	=> $links[$link_id]['permission'],
				// move the info of the links we replace in the order
				$links[$link_id] = array(
					'title'			=> $links[$switch_order_id]['title'],
					'url'			=> $links[$switch_order_id]['url'],
					'type'			=> $links[$switch_order_id]['type'],
					'permission'	=> $links[$switch_order_id]['permission'],
				// insert the info of the moved link
				$links[$switch_order_id] = $cur_link;

				$board3_menu_array = serialize($links);
				set_portal_config('board3_menu_array_' . $module_id, $board3_menu_array);


			// Edit or add menu item
			case 'edit':
			case 'add':
					'LINK_TITLE'	=> (isset($links[$link_id]['title']) && $action != 'add') ? $links[$link_id]['title'] : '',
					'LINK_URL'		=> (isset($links[$link_id]['url']) && $links[$link_id]['type'] != self::LINK_CAT && $action != 'add') ? str_replace('&', '&', $links[$link_id]['url']) : '',

					//'U_BACK'	=> $u_action,
					'U_ACTION'	=> $u_action . '&id=' . $link_id,

					'S_EDIT'				=> true,
					'S_LINK_IS_CAT'			=> (!isset($links[$link_id]['type']) || $links[$link_id]['type'] == self::LINK_CAT) ? true : false,
					'S_LINK_IS_INT'			=> (isset($links[$link_id]['type']) && $links[$link_id]['type'] == self::LINK_INT) ? true : false,
				$groups_ary = (isset($links[$link_id]['permission'])) ? explode(',', $links[$link_id]['permission']) : array();
				// get group info from database and assign the block vars
				$sql = 'SELECT group_id, group_name 
						FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . '
						ORDER BY group_id ASC';
				$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
				while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
					$template->assign_block_vars('permission_setting_menu', array(
						'SELECTED'		=> (in_array($row['group_id'], $groups_ary)) ? true : false,
						'GROUP_NAME'	=> (isset($user->lang['G_' . $row['group_name']])) ? $user->lang['G_' . $row['group_name']] : $row['group_name'],
						'GROUP_ID'		=> $row['group_id'],



		for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($links); $i++)
			$template->assign_block_vars('links', array(
				'LINK_TITLE'	=> ($action != 'add') ? ((isset($user->lang[$links[$i]['title']])) ? $user->lang[$links[$i]['title']] : $links[$i]['title']) : '',
				'LINK_URL'		=> ($action != 'add') ? str_replace('&', '&', $links[$i]['url']) : '',

				'U_EDIT'		=> $u_action . '&action=edit&id=' . $i,
				'U_DELETE'		=> $u_action . '&action=delete&id=' . $i,
				'U_MOVE_UP'		=> $u_action . '&action=move_up&id=' . $i,
				'U_MOVE_DOWN'	=> $u_action . '&action=move_down&id=' . $i,

				'S_LINK_IS_CAT'	=> ($links[$i]['type'] == self::LINK_CAT) ? true : false,
	public function update_links($key, $module_id)
		$this->manage_links('', $key, $module_id);
	// Unserialize links array
	private function utf_unserialize($serial_str) 
		$out = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!se', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $serial_str );
		return unserialize($out);   
Diesen Ordner lädst du in /root/portal/modules hoch.

2. Erstell eine Datei Namens portal_link_menu_module.php mit folgendem Inhalt:

Code: Select all

* @package Board3 Portal v2 - Main Menu
* @copyright (c) Board3 Group ( www.board3.de )
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'M_LINK_MENU' 					=> 'Link Menü',
	'M_CONTENT'						=> 'Inhalt',
	'M_ACP'							=> 'Administrations-Bereich',
	'M_HELP'						=> 'Hilfe',
	'M_BBCODE'						=> 'BBCode-Anleitung',
	'M_TERMS'						=> 'Nutzungsbedingungen',
	'M_PRV'							=> 'Datenschutzrichtlinie',
	'M_SEARCH'						=> 'Suche',
	'MENU_NO_LINKS'					=> 'Keine Links',
	// ACP
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU'   			=> 'Hauptmenü-Einstellungen',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_LINK_SETTINGS'	=> 'Link Einstellungen',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_EXP'			=> 'Verwalte dein Hauptmenü',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_MANAGE'		=> 'Hauptmenü-Verwaltung',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_MANAGE_EXP'	=> 'Du kannst die Links deines Hauptmenüs hier verwalten.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_CAT'			=> 'Kategorie',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_IS_CAT'		=> 'Setze Link als Kategorie',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_INT'			=> 'Interner Link',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_EXT'			=> 'Externer Link',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_TITLE'			=> 'Titel',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_ADD'			=> 'Link erstellen',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_TYPE'			=> 'Link Typ',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_TYPE_EXP'		=> 'Falls dein Link auf dein Forum verweist, dann wähle bitte "Interner Link" um ungewollte Logouts zu verhindern.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_CREATE_CAT'	=> 'Du musst zuerst eine Kategorie erstellen.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_URL_EXP'		=> 'Externe Links:<br />Alle Links sollten mit einem http:// eingegeben werden.<br /><br />Interne Links:<br />Gebe nur die PHP Datei als Link URL ein, z.B. index.php?style=4.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_PERMISSION'	=> 'Link Berechtigungen',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_PERMISSION_EXP'=> 'Wähle die Gruppen aus die berechtigt sein sollen den Link zu sehen. Falls alle Benutzer den Link sehen sollen, dann wähle nichts aus.<br />Wähle mehrere Gruppen aus/ab indem du <samp>STRG</samp> gedrückt hältst und klickst.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MENU_EXT_NEW_WINDOW'=> 'Öffne externe Verknüpfungen in einem neuen Fenster',
Beachte beim abspeichern das diese Datei in UTF 8 ohne Boom gespeichert wird.
Dann lädst du diesen Ordner in /root/language/de/mods/portal hoch.

3. Erstell eine Datei Namens link_menu_side.html mit folgenden Inhalt.
Für prosilver basierende Styles:

Code: Select all

{$LR_BLOCK_H_L}<!-- IF $S_BLOCK_ICON --><img src="{$IMAGE_SRC}" width="{$IMAGE_WIDTH}" height="{$IMAGE_HEIGHT}" alt="" />&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->{$TITLE}{$LR_BLOCK_H_R}
	<div class="portal-navigation">
	<!-- BEGIN portalmenu -->
		<!-- IF $MODULE_ID eq portalmenu.MODULE_ID -->
		<div class="menutitle">{portalmenu.CAT_TITLE}</div>
			<!-- BEGIN links -->
				<li><a href="{portalmenu.links.LINK_URL}" <!-- IF portalmenu.links.NEW_WINDOW -->onclick="window.open('{portalmenu.links.LINK_URL}'); return false;"<!-- ENDIF -->>{portalmenu.links.LINK_TITLE}</a></li>
			<!-- END links -->
		<hr class="dashed" />
		<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- BEGINELSE -->
			<span style="float:left;" class="gensmall"><strong>{L_MENU_NO_LINKS}</strong></span><br />
	<!-- END portal_menu -->
Für subsilver2 basierende Styles:

Code: Select all

{$LR_BLOCK_H_L}<!-- IF $S_BLOCK_ICON --><img src="{$IMAGE_SRC}" width="{$IMAGE_WIDTH}" height="{$IMAGE_HEIGHT}" alt="" />&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->{$TITLE}{$LR_BLOCK_H_R}
<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
	<!-- BEGIN portalmenu -->
		<!-- IF $MODULE_ID eq portalmenu.MODULE_ID -->
			<tr class="row3">
			<!-- BEGIN links -->
			<tr class="row1">
					<a href="{portalmenu.links.LINK_URL}" title="{portalmenu.links.LINK_TITLE}" <!-- IF portalmenu.links.NEW_WINDOW -->onclick="window.open('{portalmenu.links.LINK_URL}'); return false;"<!-- ENDIF -->><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/portal/arrowbullet.gif" width="12" height="11" alt="" />&nbsp;{portalmenu.links.LINK_TITLE}</a>
			<!-- END links -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- BEGINELSE -->
			<tr class="row1">
					<span style="float:left;" class="gensmall"><strong>{L_MENU_NO_LINKS}</strong></span><br />
	<!-- END portal_menu -->
Dieser Ordner kommt dann nach /root/styles/prosilver/template/portal/modules bzw. nach root/styles/subsilver2/template/portal/modules

Edit: Hab bei den ersten beiden Module noch bischen was geändert hatte einen kleinen Fehler drin.
Gruß Udo

Topic author
Active Member
Posts: 3
Joined: 17. October 2011 18:10
phpBB.de User: Multjet I 199
phpBB.com User: MUltijet I 199

Re: 2tes "Menü"-Modul

Post by yoji »

Danke das du dir die zeit genommen hast.

hab die datein hochladen können.
nur wenn ich jetzt ein modul hinzufügen will (zum portal)
bekomme ich diese meldung

Code: Select all

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /adm/index.php on line 156: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /portal/modules/portal_link_menu.php:1)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /adm/index.php on line 158: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /portal/modules/portal_link_menu.php:1)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /adm/index.php on line 159: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /portal/modules/portal_link_menu.php:1)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /adm/index.php on line 160: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /portal/modules/portal_link_menu.php:1)
ich muss dann via zurücktaste , zurück ins admin-panel... weil ich sonst garnichts "tun" kann
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Posts: 1960
Joined: 27. July 2010 18:02
phpBB.de User: Kirk

Re: 2tes "Menü"-Modul

Post by Kirk »

Hast du vielleicht in der portal_link_menu.php eine ungewollte Leerzeile hinter '?>' wenn ja (einfach löschen).

Oder die Datei wurde im falschen Modus hochgeladen.
Binär (BINARY) != ASCII Was man bei dem Upload des Forums beachten sollte

Ich hab dieses Modul erfolgreich und ohne Fehlermeldung in mein Testboard eingebaut.

Kontrolliere nochmal alles.
Gruß Udo

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Posts: 26
Joined: 8. January 2012 20:20

Re: 2tes "Menü"-Modul

Post by acidrain »


ich habe mir dein 2 tes menu installiert...als erstes erhielt ich auch so eine fehlermeldung
dann hab ich das auch bemerkt mit den ?> aber jetzt kommt keine fehlermeldung mehr aber ich kann das
menu nicht sehen und auswählen alle anderen normalen schon.was hab ich falsch gemacht.hab schon mit
mehreren ftp clienten probiert es hochzuladen aber die haben keine extra einstellung für
utf 8 nur binär .ascii,und automatisch..kann mir jemand ein gutes ftp programm mit utf 8
sagen aber nicht smartftp da ich die testversion schon hatte und jetzt keines mehr installieren

bitte ist wichtig..

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Joined: 8. January 2012 20:20

Re: 2tes "Menü"-Modul

Post by acidrain »

danke funkt schon echt klasse

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Joined: 3. December 2012 19:49
phpBB.de User: alida

Re: 2tes "Menü"-Modul

Post by alida »

Super, genau danach habe ich die ganze Zeit auch gesucht. Vielen Dank! Klappt wunderbar.
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