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by ather
15. November 2008 06:55
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal
Replies: 18
Views: 22153

Re: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal

hmm, werid, very weird..try to place the

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE chat_body.html -->
in the overall_header file :)
by ather
14. November 2008 21:18
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal
Replies: 18
Views: 22153

Re: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal

move the

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE chat_body.html -->

Code: Select all

by ather
14. November 2008 17:09
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal
Replies: 18
Views: 22153

Re: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal

ok see this : , that s my forum.. as u can see its appearing above now, but it can be chaged if u play with it a little, goto ACP/Styles/Templates/<click your temple>/and press edit, select the portal_body.html from the list and add <include.....>, purge cache a...
by ather
14. November 2008 17:04
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal
Replies: 18
Views: 22153

Re: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal

try this, create a new bbcode (visible only to you, with the iframe of chatbox, a=since u can put bbcodes in the POrtal, just put the bbcode u made, see if that works
by ather
14. November 2008 17:00
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal
Replies: 18
Views: 22153

Re: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal

erm u cant just put the include... , it has to be in the template file

open the portal.php and add some where the include line
by ather
14. November 2008 16:23
Forum: board3 Portal 1.0.x - English Support
Topic: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal
Replies: 18
Views: 22153

Re: ajak shoutbox by handyman on portal

the handyman's mod includes a chat_body.html file..its easy to implement in any page u wosh

just type :

<!-- INCLUDE chat_body.html -->

and ur good to go, ps. this is my first post on this forum.. i use Board3 on my forum here :

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