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Problem with left colom

Posted: 9. September 2008 19:05
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 5.2.5
MySQL Version: 5.0.26

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I uploaded the files again bud no change

In the acp both columns are set as 180

Description and Message
  • I can not get the left site of the portal the same as the right whatever I try!
    Any ideas what can cause this?

Re: Problem with left colom

Posted: 12. September 2008 08:49
by Pete
Are you using the correct style type? for instance, if your theme is subsilver based, and your using board3 portl prosilver template files, you can have problems.

Re: Problem with left colom

Posted: 12. September 2008 13:14
by Steve_B
Looks to me like you need to go to ACP -> Styles -> Themes -> yourstyle-> Refresh :)

Re: Problem with left colom

Posted: 13. September 2008 11:19
I Am using proback.

Refresh is the first thing I tried with no luck.

Re: Problem with left colom

Posted: 13. September 2008 12:56
by Ice
Did you make sure to apply the stylesheet edit?

Re: Problem with left colom

Posted: 21. September 2008 13:55
I have updated the portal to the latest version and this solved the problem for me.

Thx for your help.

Re: Problem with left colom

Posted: 21. September 2008 21:10
by Ice
Your columns still arn't right.

ACP -> Styles -> Themes -> yourstyle-> Refresh