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Portal not working in Google Chrome

Posted: 15. November 2012 17:24
by rfxcasey
Was a bit frustrated trying to get portal to install. Didn't seem to be working at all. On a whim I tried view my site in Internet Explorer and was amazed to see it working. Looks great but how to get it to work under Chrome and are there any other browser that deprive my users of the prettiness of the portal??? If I view this forums Board III portal forum main page in Chrome I can see the portal but its not working for my forum. Do I have to clear my Chrome cache or something?

Re: Portal not working in Google Chrome

Posted: 16. November 2012 00:31
by Marc
A link to your forum would really help. The portal does work with Chrome and every other browser that is not pre-historic.

Re: Portal not working in Google Chrome

Posted: 17. November 2012 10:33
by rfxcasey
Ah sorry, I cleared my browsing history and cache for Chrome and now its working. Sorry for the bogus post.