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A problem with the login box

Posted: 14. August 2008 17:38
by calproye
Hi Kevin!, I've got a problem with the login box ( I think it's a possible bug).

There is a private forum in my portal for stuff personal only: administrators and moderators. Only these groups can see this forum and they post messages there. Well, the problem is a normal user: when the normal user is log in the portal and there are new "stuff messages" (only for stuff personal), your login box says : 3 new messages, and the user is crazy because he going to look for these posts, but he can never see them. (The incremental number for topics/posts for this forum are disabled, but in your login box, they are there.)

Are there any changes to fix this problem?

Thanks in advanced

Re: A problem with the login box

Posted: 14. August 2008 17:52
by Ice
This is not a bug and isn't what you think. The function used to grab the "new post" count is a built in phpbb3 function, it brings up the posts since you're last log in. It is the same as clicking the "View new Posts" link at the top of the forums index. This means that posts that you have read are still classed as "new" according to phpbb3.

Re: A problem with the login box

Posted: 14. August 2008 19:28
by calproye
The different is that the forum is not saying anything about a number of new topics, the login box yes. This is the problem. You do click in new messages and the forum don't say anything about any new messages. The portal says to you: 3 new messages (for example) and I think It should be 0 new messages


Re: A problem with the login box

Posted: 17. August 2008 13:16
by Ice

Re: A problem with the login box

Posted: 18. August 2008 09:57
by calproye
Thanks a lot