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Problem with block Recent in FF

Posted: 13. May 2008 16:55
by JirkaX
I have problem with alignment of lists in the Recent block in FF (3.0b5) - see below.


URL is

Code: Select all
Do you know the reason/solution for this?

Re: Problem with block Recent in FF

Posted: 13. May 2008 17:11
by Christian_N
sorry for my bad English, so the FireFox3 is still in beta, if the problem with the finals of FireFox3 still exists, we will resolve this before we do anything, because there is a bug in the browser could be. ;)

Greeting Chris

Re: Problem with block Recent in FF

Posted: 13. May 2008 18:29
by JirkaX
ok, let's wait for the final release :)

Re: Problem with block Recent in FF

Posted: 14. September 2008 14:21
by JirkaX
Hi, FF 3.0 was released a few months ago, but the mentioned problem remains (and is valid also for Chrome). Do you know any solution?

Re: Problem with block Recent in FF

Posted: 14. September 2008 14:25
by Ice
Hmm I currently get your site to load, I'll have a look when it's up.

Re: Problem with block Recent in FF

Posted: 14. September 2008 15:00
by Christian_N
Yes, this was board3 portal 1.0.0RC3 fixed, please update your page to the current version. ;-)

Re: Problem with block Recent in FF

Posted: 14. September 2008 15:03
by JirkaX
And is there a?y way how to fix it in my current version? Because I made a lot of changes and upgrade of whole portal would be really challenging. And besides this I prefer prosilber style from previous version ...

Re: Problem with block Recent in FF

Posted: 14. September 2008 15:07
by Christian_N

Re: Problem with block Recent in FF

Posted: 14. September 2008 15:14
by JirkaX
thanks, now it works fine