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Language Files

Posted: 6. November 2011 04:29
by Maverick
Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

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Description and Message
I'm trying to change the text generated from L_New_Posts - it currently gives View New Posts (#) for English but I can't find which file it is defined in. I want it to read as New Posts / Comments (#)

Note, this appears to be different from the L_New_Posts associated with phpBB's common language file as that simply returns New Posts

Any help/clues would be appreciated as I've already searched all the files I can think of.

Re: Language Files

Posted: 6. November 2011 11:53
by archivar
Maverick wrote:L_New_Posts
Find it in root / language / en / common.php

Re: Language Files

Posted: 6. November 2011 15:18
by Maverick
That's what I thought but L_New_Posts returns two different messages depending whether you're in the forum itself e.g index.php or on a portal page (it's in my header hence across the whole site)

If you're in the forum it returns New Posts which is what is defined in language / en / common.php

But if you're on the portal page it returns View new posts (#) where # is the number of new posts - it's this number that I find useful and would like to exploit

Something must be overriding the common.php definition but I can't find what it is and I don't think it would be something I've added.