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Cooperation with User reminder MOD

Posted: 4. May 2008 11:59
by JirkaX
I'd like to add code below (from User reminder mod - ... &start=105) to the portal.php file, but I don't know where exactly it should be. I was told to put it before the template vars are assigned. Can anyone help me? This part of code is normally in index.php file, but now my entrance page is portal.php.

Code: Select all

// if automatic reminders is set, remind people. lets only run this once a day.
if ( $config['user_reminder_enable'] == ENABLED )

	$check_time = gmdate('mdY',time() + (3600 * $config['board_timezone']));

	if ( $config['user_reminder_last_auto_run'] < $check_time)
		if (!function_exists('send_user_reminders'))
			include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user_reminder.' . $phpEx);

		set_config('user_reminder_last_auto_run', (int) $check_time);

Re: Cooperation with User reminder MOD

Posted: 4. May 2008 12:06
by Kevin
The template vars are assigned here in portal.php:

Code: Select all

	'PORTAL_LEFT_COLLUMN' 	=> $portal_config['portal_left_collumn_width'],
	'PORTAL_RIGHT_COLLUMN' 	=> $portal_config['portal_right_collumn_width'],
So you should add this code before this lines.
Let me know if it works (don't know the mod).

Re: Cooperation with User reminder MOD

Posted: 4. May 2008 12:17
by JirkaX
Thanks. I will try it and let you know. BTW That code is executed once a day only, so I will know whether it works or not tomorrow.

Re: Cooperation with User reminder MOD

Posted: 5. May 2008 16:20
by JirkaX
Tested and it seems to be working properly. Thanks for your help.