MOD-version: 1.0.0 RC1
Adds a portal with several blocks, which can be switched on and off via the ACP, to the front page of your phpBB3 forums.
This portal is a further development / fork of the phpbb3Portal. An update wizard and update instructions from phpbb3portal 1.1.0b, 1.2.2 and from previous Board3 Portal versions are included in the package.
Changes to version 0.2.1
- Many of bugfixes, view: bugtracker/viewcat.php?c=6
- Adaptions to phpBB 3.0.1
- The link block can be edited in the ACP: add, delete links and order position
- BBCode is now allowed in welcome message
- Two custom blocks added, which can be filled with BBCode or HTML in the ACP. To use with ads, videos, images, whatever.
- Complete rework of the News / Announcements. Implemented a achive system and pagnition. You can choose if you want to have the first or the newest post displayed in news.
- Full MSSQL support
- Forum list on the portal added
- Show "Portal page" in "who is online"
- Option to disable user permission check for News / Announcements
- Style changer added
- Attachment block: display attachments from one or more specific forums + attachments permission check added
- No longer required to be a founder to update/install, just an admin with "board" permissions.
- Fixed a news/announcements permissions bug.
- Fixed a bug when no news posts were viewable due to account permissions.
- Fixed a bug in announcements/news/polls due to shadow topics left after a topic is moved.
- Polls have been completely reworked (checking permissions, show newest, etc)
- subsilver2 is included in the package (Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict!)
- several bugfixes
- Forum names are diplayed with news / announcements
- Upcoming birthdays (configurable in ACP) - many thanks to Kendoo!
- Several stylefixes and improvements
- Welcomebox is not limited to 255 characters anymore
- Log messages in ACP configuration are displayed properly now
- The installer / updater (called PInUp) has been reworked
- Completed the ACP management (all boxes could be turned on + off, the ACP management is now phpBB conform in the ACP tab "Mods")
Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict! (prosilver)
- many bugfixes
- several new functions (e.g. read / unread topic icons + attachment icon at recent news / announcements, welcome box optional only for Guests, BBCode is parsed in textview when messages are cut when the max length is reached in recent news / announcements, etc)
- Language files are moved and renamed phpBB conform into language/mods, no language variables have to be added to the phpBB acp/common.php file anymore
- The DB entries which has been in the phpbb_config table are moved into a own table, (called phpbb_portal_config), because otherwise the whole board could suffer in performance (nearly 60 additional entries, who would be called on each site otherwise)
- The installer / updater is coded completely new
- see actual version
phpBB-styles: prosilver, subsilver2
phpBB-languages: English, Czech, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Turkish
MOD-demo: Demoboard
Please don't upload the mod anywhere (to offer it as a download), without asking me before, thanks.