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[2.0.0 b1] phpbb Calendar Ver 0.1.0 (alightner)

Posted: 31. August 2011 04:26
by Redskull
Hallo zusammen,

ich nutze phpBB3 mit dem Board3-Portal.
Was ich benötigen würde, wäre eine Anpassung an den o. g. Kalender-Mod in das Mini-Kalender-Modul. Ist sowas machbar?


Calendar block for phpBB calendar by alightner

Posted: 11. September 2011 14:00
by DocSommer
IS there any chance for an calendar block add-on to display upcoming events like the old addon for portal 1.x did?

It's quite an essential feature on my portal ( that's why I'm still hesitating with the upgrade to 2.x.



Sorry - I missed this topic that's already requesting the same thing. Maybe a mod can merge my post into this topic?