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New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 30. April 2008 00:46
by tomt
My forum doesn't allow guest users.. You have to be registered to view the forums.

This works well with phpbb2 & ezportal, on the portal there is a list of recent topics and a selection of announcements and recent posts.

When I tried the current version of board3, I couldn't show the recent posts / topics as I don't allow guests..

Will the upcoming new version support this ??


Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 30. April 2008 07:05
by Kevin
Yes, it will.
You can disable the user permission check separately for News and / or Announcements in V0.3.0.
These sections will be very flexible to configure. ;)

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 30. April 2008 08:38
by tomt
Fantastic... Gimme Gimme !!! :D

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 16. May 2008 18:37
by tomt

This works well.. but is there anyway to by pass the forum permissions so the subject of recent posts / topics appear on the portal ??

I have this on my phpbb2 ezportal front. Looks good !!

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 16. May 2008 18:45
by Kevin
tomt wrote:but is there anyway to by pass the forum permissions so the subject of recent posts / topics appear on the portal ??
This is exactly what we are talking about:
Kevin wrote:Yes, it will.
You can disable the user permission check separately for News and / or Announcements in V0.3.0.

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 16. May 2008 19:00
by Ice
And put it in compact mode.

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 17. May 2008 15:04
by tomt
Thanks for the reply.

I can see this for news & announcements, but not for recent topics / recent posts in other forums...
Am I missing something ??

You can see the sort of thing I mean on my current phpbb2 forum..


Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 17. May 2008 17:09
by Kevin
Which version of the portal do you have installed?
A similar feature to the EZ-Portal is offered up from Board3 Portal 1.0.0 RC1, not in older versions.

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 17. May 2008 23:50
by tomt
I've installed the latest version of board3.

I can see the options for news & announcements but nothing for recent topic / recent posts..


Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 20. May 2008 16:50
by tomt
Any ideas ??

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 25. May 2008 17:14
by tomt
I'm trying to get this sorted.. Can anyone help ?

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 25. May 2008 18:24
by Kevin
Not tested - try this:

open recent.php

Code: Select all

while( ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) && ($row['topic_title']) )
    // auto auth
    if ( ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])) || ($row['forum_id'] == '0') )
        $template->assign_block_vars('latest_announcements', array(
            'TITLE'             => character_limit($row['topic_title'], $portal_config['portal_recent_title_limit']),
            'FULL_TITLE'    => censor_text($row['topic_title']),
            'U_VIEW_TOPIC'    => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $row['topic_id'])
replace with:

Code: Select all

while( ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) && ($row['topic_title']) )
        $template->assign_block_vars('latest_announcements', array(
            'TITLE'             => character_limit($row['topic_title'], $portal_config['portal_recent_title_limit']),
            'FULL_TITLE'    => censor_text($row['topic_title']),
            'U_VIEW_TOPIC'    => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $row['topic_id'])


Code: Select all

while( ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) && ($row['topic_title']) )
    // auto auth
    if ( ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])) || ($row['forum_id'] == '0') )
        $template->assign_block_vars('latest_hot_topics', array(
            'TITLE'             => character_limit($row['topic_title'], $portal_config['portal_recent_title_limit']),
            'FULL_TITLE'    => censor_text($row['topic_title']),
            'U_VIEW_TOPIC'    => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $row['topic_id'])
replace with:

Code: Select all

while( ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) && ($row['topic_title']) )
        $template->assign_block_vars('latest_hot_topics', array(
            'TITLE'             => character_limit($row['topic_title'], $portal_config['portal_recent_title_limit']),
            'FULL_TITLE'    => censor_text($row['topic_title']),
            'U_VIEW_TOPIC'    => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $row['topic_id'])


Code: Select all

while( ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) && ($row['topic_title']) )
    // auto auth
    if ( ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])) || ($row['forum_id'] == '0') )
        $template->assign_block_vars('latest_topics', array(
            'TITLE'             => character_limit($row['topic_title'], $portal_config['portal_recent_title_limit']),
            'FULL_TITLE'    => censor_text($row['topic_title']),
            'U_VIEW_TOPIC'    => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $row['topic_id'])
replace with:

Code: Select all

while( ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) && ($row['topic_title']) )
        $template->assign_block_vars('latest_topics', array(
            'TITLE'             => character_limit($row['topic_title'], $portal_config['portal_recent_title_limit']),
            'FULL_TITLE'    => censor_text($row['topic_title']),
            'U_VIEW_TOPIC'    => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $row['topic_id'])

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 18. February 2009 11:08
by danleedham
Sorrry - does this stop Guests seeing the Portal? or does it give you the choices of what Guests can / cannot see?

That would be the icing on the cake... thanks

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 18. February 2009 13:36
by japagun
danleedham wrote:Sorrry - does this stop Guests seeing the Portal? or does it give you the choices of what Guests can / cannot see?

That would be the icing on the cake... thanks
the lastest version don't have this issue...

Re: New upcoming Version - Support for NO Guest users

Posted: 18. February 2009 13:48
by danleedham
Which issue?

I DO NOT want guests to be able to see certain blocks in the portal - if that's not possible, not even see the portal at all - but still allow logged in users to be presented with it when they first come to the forum.

In England we've got CRAZY data protection and a tiny bit of info that is leaked (or seen in the portal) can mean being suued loads - it's stupid.

So stopping guests from seeing the portal would be awesome - even better if we could give them the time, a welcome note and guest announcements (and a link to registering of course) but then leave the rest of the portal out. But... I don't want to stop users from seeing all the stuff that's been blocked for guests.

I'm am barking up the wrong tree of impossiblity? or just looking in the Non-German place (don't speak a word, sorry).

Cheers for your time guys