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Gallery block

Posted: 26. July 2011 10:37
by Matt123
can someone help me with installation of gallery block? I have phpBB 3.0.8 and 2.0.0b1 Board3 version.

I am looking for it some time, but I still didnt find the gallery block - just a block for the older version.

viewtopic.php?f=49&t=4572 - here I found this information "New modules like the Gallery Block can be added without any edits." But the basic version 2.0.0b1 Board3 doesnt contain a gallery block.

Can someone help?

Thanks in advance...

Re: Gallery block

Posted: 26. July 2011 22:56
by Marc
The Gallery Module is still being tested and will be released as soon as possible. The reason the Gallery Module was used as an example is because it was the first working "custom" block. ;)

Re: Gallery block

Posted: 27. July 2011 10:48
by Matt123
Thank you very much for the reply.

Do you know approximate date, when it should be released? I am very interested in this block :).

Re: Gallery block

Posted: 27. July 2011 21:55
by Marc
I'll try to get it done this week but I can't promise anything. ;)

Re: Gallery block

Posted: 16. August 2011 13:28
by JirkaX
Hi, any news regarding gallery block? Thanks

Re: Gallery block

Posted: 17. August 2011 00:27
by Christi
Thank you for all your hard work. The old gallery and gallery block are what drew me this portal system. Is there any way I can be of assistance in getting this working in 2.0.0b1?


Re: Gallery block

Posted: 4. December 2011 01:47
by sagitta
I have installed the portal's new version and updated the gallery block to 2.1.1. I'm trying in localhost and it is working fine but it still remain an error

In the ACP > MODS, the portal and gallery mods are ok but an item was added called ACP_PORTAL_GALLERY_INFO when i click on it there is a message bellow
Cannot find module ./../includes/acp/acp_portal_gallery.php

So I have to restart the page again.


Re: Gallery block

Posted: 30. December 2011 01:49
by novanilla
I have this same ACP_PORTAL_GALLERY_INFO link in my ACP/Mods tab, and it's bogus. There are a lot of options to tweak in there, but it's not compatible with the portal any longer. I use the gallery block mod that works quite well. A later release of the gallery or the portal will certainly get rid of the bogus settings page.

Re: Gallery block

Posted: 1. January 2012 13:06
by Marc
That link should never appear. What did you do for installing the block?

Re: Gallery block

Posted: 1. January 2012 16:43
by novanilla
Thank you for your reply.
Marc wrote:That link should never appear. What did you do for installing the block?
I installed the block simply by copying the zipped folders from the mod over to where they belong and enabling them in the ACP. Problem is, that link and all those options existed before installing the mod, so somehow they're an artifact of the old installation (either the gallery or the portal).

Sometimes, after refreshing templates, I get this error when I try to go to the Mods tab:
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Table 'toomanydaves.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [1146]


SELECT config_name, config_value FROM PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE


FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 163
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: portal/includes/functions.php
LINE: 26
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_portal_gallery.php
LINE: 41
CALL: obtain_portal_config()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: acp_portal_gallery->main()

FILE: adm/index.php
LINE: 76
CALL: p_master->load_active()
Usually, if I back out and wait a few minutes, the error goes away and I can get into the tab. I don't necessarily believe this is a portal issue, but I'm not sure who else to ask. I thought anybody else with the same issue might know what's wrong, so when I saw it here I wanted to comment that the bogus link exists for me as well.

Re: Gallery block

Posted: 2. January 2012 12:57
by Marc
It looks to me like you still have some code from an old gallery block in your gallery files. Please check if you removed all code that was added by that block.