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Hello and quick question...for now

Posted: 23. January 2011 19:01
by Bobber
Your Portal Version: 1.0.6
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 5

What have you done before the problem was there?
Nothing yet

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Looked at other sites in your "show off" section

Description and Message
Hello, just thought I'd introduce myself first and then ask my question.

My name is Rob from Ontario Canada and I"ve been running a website since 1998. Currently I run phpBB2 and MX-Publisher, and have come to the realization that both versions are old, and MX-Publisher doesn't seem to be around any longer. I'm looking for my replacements. I've decided to use phpBB3 (since I can easily convert my phpBB2 and not lose anything), but I have not yet decided what Portal system I want to use. I've look at many of them over the past little while, with Primetime being in the lead at the moment, but that is still not really cutting it. It "seems" to be limited in some areas, other areas I don't understand, and they seem so new to all of this.

Board 3 Portal looks very similar, and I'm going to test it out right now, (in the next couple hours), but before I do that, there are a couple things which are important to me that my new Portal must have a solution for.....

1. I would like to put the phpBB3 Forum "inside" a Portal type of page which shows the Main menu on the left (always there), and on the right I can put something else in a column (most likely images at the very least and/or even a listing of the latest posts from a topic. I'm trying to emulate to some degree what I have done on my own site. If you would like to see, my site is For the Forum, I would like to be able to so something like this.... but also have the main menu on the right, with the forum "in the middle". I did find one of your show off sites that seemed to have done this, but most all others have the message board on it's own. Is this possible with Board 3 Portal?

2. The Primetime board allows me to do the above, but one thing I'm not too keen on is the fact that it doesn't seem to allow the ability to use HTML tags....on BBCode tags. I'm much better at HTML than I am at BBCode, but was just wondering if Board 3 Portal allows you to put in blocks of HTML?

3. I'm also interested in allowing users to create their own Blogs. It would be similar to simply posting a message that is a story, but would be in Blog format so that if anyone wanted, they could simply go to the Blogs page and select what user they want to read. My site has a lot of people posting "stories" of their fishing a good author of a book, good authors of stories get a lot of attention from the public and I would like to highlight these members. I'm sure I have much more, but this will help me get started. Thanks a million for your help. Cheers.

Re: Hello and quick question...for now

Posted: 23. January 2011 23:18
by Marc
1. You can achieve this using the Portalview MOD. It will add that feature to Board3 Portal.

2. Currently you can only add blocks manually. That will allow you to add HTML, but that will just be manually.

3. I can't think of anything that would enable this feature on the portal.

Re: Hello and quick question...for now

Posted: 25. January 2011 22:53
by Oyabun
re. 3. A blog system probably goes well beyond the extent of a portal. However, for the core phpBB system, this MOD is popular, User Blog Mod.