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Final Version ?? When ?

Posted: 13. April 2008 14:02
by board3_fan
Hello board3 staff.

I want to know when you will realese the final version of Board3 , I use it & I love it .

THanks:) .

Re: Final Version ?? When ?

Posted: 13. April 2008 14:09
by Christian_N
It's done when it's done. :D

It takes in any case yet, we want to see it now in April once the version 0.3.0 comes out, the latest in May.

But so far runs the portal in the current version already very stable. :)

Sorry for the poor English - Google translation!

Greeting Chris

Re: Final Version ?? When ?

Posted: 15. April 2008 11:14
by ~HG~
You could also ask when the final version of phpBB2 or phpBB3 will happen .......... the answer is quite simply ......... never.

Like building a website ............. it is never finsihed.

Re: Final Version ?? When ?

Posted: 15. April 2008 11:22
by frold
But I guess the developers on this portal as well as on phpBB got a roadmap ;-)

Re: Final Version ?? When ?

Posted: 15. April 2008 11:28
by ~HG~
Everyone has a roadmap but where is the end of the road?

The world wide web is a never ending road and if you have your own website, you know that you set it up the way you envisage and then as time goes by you continually make changes to it ... so the road is never ending.

Given that phpBB3 was released in December and we are already at phpBB3.0.1 it just goes to show that nothing on the internet is ever "finished" meaning that in reality there is never going to a final version of anything because technology changes and so do the threats that need to be contained in regard to the software that we use with that technology.

Re: Final Version ?? When ?

Posted: 23. April 2008 19:12
by el_Vindicador
i supose that the "0.X.X" ....its the reason to no install...

not for me...i use this version for a moths and its real.

its very stable!