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Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 28. March 2008 09:47
by lonepare
Hi I have JRSweets arcade mod and would like to have a block display latest stats within board 3, I have found this link by Thundercrew who made a block for phpBB3 portal and wondered what I would have to do to make this work on Board 3 ... k#p4786955

Any ideas.... ;)

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 28. March 2008 14:45
by Kevin
At first look it seems like you could use it straight away.
Have you tried this already?

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 28. March 2008 16:47
by lonepare
Yeah! I thought same and have tried but isn't working and was wondering do I have to activate it somehow...?? ;)

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 29. March 2008 16:05
by Kevin
Okay, let's try a little workaround. ;)

The Code is from ThunderCrews post on
  • create a new file in root/portal/block/ named arcade.php
    Fill it with this code:

    Code: Select all

        if (!defined('IN_PHPBB') or !defined('IN_PORTAL'))
            die('Hacking attempt');
        if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/arcade/arcade_class.' . $phpEx))
            include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/arcade/arcade_class.' . $phpEx);        
            $arcade = new arcade(false);
            // Start of Top 3 Arcade Players
            $real_leaders_count = sizeof($arcade->leaders);
            $leaders_count = ($real_leaders_count > 3) ? 3 : $real_leaders_count;    
            $arcade_leaders_img = array();
            $arcade_leaders_img[0] = '';
            $arcade_leaders_img[1] = $phpbb_root_path . $arcade->config['image_path'] . '1st.gif';
            $arcade_leaders_img[2] = $phpbb_root_path . $arcade->config['image_path'] . '2nd.gif';
            $arcade_leaders_img[3] = $phpbb_root_path . $arcade->config['image_path'] . '3rd.gif';
            $arcade_leaders_img_alt = array();
            $arcade_leaders_img_alt[0] = '';
            $arcade_leaders_img_alt[1] = $user->lang['ARCADE_FIRST'];
            $arcade_leaders_img_alt[2] = $user->lang['ARCADE_SECOND'];
            $arcade_leaders_img_alt[3] = $user->lang['ARCADE_THIRD'];
            if ($leaders_count > 0)
                $rank = 0;
                $actual_rank = 0;
                $previous_wins = 0;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $leaders_count; $i++)
                    //This code is used to calculate the actual rank.
                    //For example if there are ties...
                    if ($previous_wins != $arcade->leaders[$i]['total_wins'])
                        $rank = $actual_rank;
                    $previous_wins = $arcade->leaders[$i]['total_wins'];
                    $user_link = $arcade->format_username('full', $arcade->leaders[$i]['user_id'], $arcade->leaders[$i]['username'], $arcade->leaders[$i]['user_colour']);
                    $template->assign_block_vars('arcade_leaders', array(
                        'ARCADE_LEADERS_RANK'        => $rank,
                        'ARCADE_LEADERS'             => $user_link,
                        'ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE'        => (isset($arcade_leaders_img[$rank])) ? $arcade_leaders_img[$rank] : '',
                        'ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE_ALT'    => (isset($arcade_leaders_img_alt[$rank])) ? $arcade_leaders_img_alt[$rank] : '',
                        'VICTORIES'                    => $arcade->leaders[$i]['total_wins']
            // End of Top 3 Arcade Players
            //Newest Game
            if (sizeof($arcade->newest_games))
                    'S_HAS_NEWEST_GAME'        => true,
                    'U_NEWEST_GAME_PLAY'    => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}arcade.$phpEx", 'mode=play&g=' . $arcade->newest_games[0]['game_id']),
                    'NEWEST_GAME_IMAGE'        => ($arcade->newest_games[0]['game_image'] != '') ? $phpbb_root_path . "arcade.$phpEx?img=" . $arcade->newest_games[0]['game_image'] : '',
                    'NEWEST_GAME_NAME'        => $arcade->newest_games[0]['game_name'],
            //Newest Game
            //Total Games, Time and Plays
            $total_games = sizeof($arcade->games);
            if ($total_games > 1)
                $total_games = sprintf($user->lang['ARCADE_TOTAL_GAMES'], $total_games);
            else if ($total_games == 1)
                $total_games = sprintf($user->lang['ARCADE_TOTAL_GAME'], $total_games);
                'S_DISPLAY_ARCADE'        => true,
                'TOTAL_GAMES_PLAYED'    => ($arcade->totals['games_played']) ? sprintf($user->lang['ARCADE_TOTAL_PLAYED'], $arcade->totals['games_played'], $arcade->format_time($arcade->totals['games_time'])) : '',
                'TOTAL_GAMES'            => $total_games,
            //Total Games
  • create a new file in root/styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/ named arcade.html
    Fill it with this code:

    Code: Select all

    <h3>Arcade Stats</h3>
        <div class="panel">
           <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>      
              <div class="content">
                 <!-- IF S_HAS_NEWEST_GAME -->
                 <p style="margin: 4px;"><!-- IF NEWEST_GAME_IMAGE --><a href="{U_NEWEST_GAME_PLAY}">Newest Game:<br /><img src="{NEWEST_GAME_IMAGE}" alt="{NEWEST_GAME_NAME}" width="20" height="20" style="vertical-align: middle;" /></a><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp;{NEWEST_GAME_NAME}</p>
                 <!-- ENDIF -->
                 <!-- IF .arcade_leaders -->
                 <br />
                    <b>{L_ARCADE_LEADERS_HEADER}</b><br />
                       <!-- BEGIN arcade_leaders -->
                          <!-- IF arcade_leaders.S_ROW_COUNT > 0 --> &nbsp;<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE --><img src="{arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE}" alt="{arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE_ALT}" style="vertical-align: middle;" /><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp;&nbsp;{arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS_RANK}:&nbsp;{arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS}&nbsp;({arcade_leaders.VICTORIES})
                       <!-- END arcade_leaders -->
                 <!-- ENDIF -->
                 <!-- IF TOTAL_GAMES -->
                 <br />
                 <p style="font-size: 12px;">{TOTAL_GAMES}<br />{TOTAL_GAMES_PLAYED}</p>
                 <!-- ENDIF -->
           <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
    Open root/portal.php
    Search for:

    Code: Select all

    	if ($portal_config['portal_recent']) 
    		include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/block/recent.'.$phpEx);
    after add:

    Code: Select all

    include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/block/arcade.'.$phpEx);
  • Open root/styles/prosilver/template/portal/portal_body.html[
    Search for:

    Code: Select all

    		<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_MAINMENU -->
    		<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/main_menu.html -->
    		<!-- ENDIF -->
    after add:

    Code: Select all

    		<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ARCADE -->
    		<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/arcade.html -->
    		<!-- ENDIF -->
That should be it. Not tested, feedback would be nice. ;)

If it works we could make the template a bit nicer. ;)

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 29. March 2008 16:17
by derkubi
get error with portal.php

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class arcade in /srv/www/httpd/phost/d/com/pytalhost/dienstagstruppe/web/includes/arcade/arcade_class.php on line 24

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 29. March 2008 16:25
by Kevin
Hm, try removing this line from the arcade.php

Code: Select all

include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/arcade/arcade_class.' . $phpEx);  

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 29. March 2008 16:37
by derkubi
Fatal error: Class 'arcade' not found in /srv/www/httpd/phost/d/com/pytalhost/dienstagstruppe/web/portal/block/arcade.php on line 11

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 29. March 2008 21:18
by lonepare
Okay I did it... and is cool...really wanted this block.
Will do my best to explain how but warn you I have not done any coding and work purely on logic...
If I make a mistake please point it out as it helps in the learning process... ;)

lets start with arcade.php
create a new file in root/portal/block/ named arcade.php
Fill it with this code:

Code: Select all

    if (!defined('IN_PHPBB') or !defined('IN_PORTAL'))
        die('Hacking attempt');

    if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/arcade/arcade_class.' . $phpEx))
        include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/arcade/arcade_class.' . $phpEx);        
        $arcade = new arcade(false);
        // Start of Top 3 Arcade Players
        $real_leaders_count = sizeof($arcade->leaders);
        $leaders_count = ($real_leaders_count > 3) ? 3 : $real_leaders_count;    

        $arcade_leaders_img = array();
        $arcade_leaders_img[0] = '';
        $arcade_leaders_img[1] = $phpbb_root_path . $arcade->config['image_path'] . '1st.gif';
        $arcade_leaders_img[2] = $phpbb_root_path . $arcade->config['image_path'] . '2nd.gif';
        $arcade_leaders_img[3] = $phpbb_root_path . $arcade->config['image_path'] . '3rd.gif';
        $arcade_leaders_img_alt = array();
        $arcade_leaders_img_alt[0] = '';
        $arcade_leaders_img_alt[1] = $user->lang['ARCADE_FIRST'];
        $arcade_leaders_img_alt[2] = $user->lang['ARCADE_SECOND'];
        $arcade_leaders_img_alt[3] = $user->lang['ARCADE_THIRD'];

        if ($leaders_count > 0)
            $rank = 0;
            $actual_rank = 0;
            $previous_wins = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $leaders_count; $i++)
                //This code is used to calculate the actual rank.
                //For example if there are ties...
                if ($previous_wins != $arcade->leaders[$i]['total_wins'])
                    $rank = $actual_rank;
                $previous_wins = $arcade->leaders[$i]['total_wins'];

                $user_link = $arcade->format_username('full', $arcade->leaders[$i]['user_id'], $arcade->leaders[$i]['username'], $arcade->leaders[$i]['user_colour']);
                $template->assign_block_vars('arcade_leaders', array(
                    'ARCADE_LEADERS_RANK'        => $rank,
                    'ARCADE_LEADERS'             => $user_link,
                    'ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE'        => (isset($arcade_leaders_img[$rank])) ? $arcade_leaders_img[$rank] : '',
                    'ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE_ALT'    => (isset($arcade_leaders_img_alt[$rank])) ? $arcade_leaders_img_alt[$rank] : '',
                    'VICTORIES'                    => $arcade->leaders[$i]['total_wins']
        // End of Top 3 Arcade Players
        //Newest Game
        if (sizeof($arcade->newest_games))
                'S_HAS_NEWEST_GAME'        => true,
                'U_NEWEST_GAME_PLAY'    => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}arcade.$phpEx", 'mode=play&g=' . $arcade->newest_games[0]['game_id']),
                'NEWEST_GAME_IMAGE'        => ($arcade->newest_games[0]['game_image'] != '') ? $phpbb_root_path . "arcade.$phpEx?img=" . $arcade->newest_games[0]['game_image'] : '',
                'NEWEST_GAME_NAME'        => $arcade->newest_games[0]['game_name'],
        //Newest Game
        //Total Games, Time and Plays
        $total_games = sizeof($arcade->games);
        if ($total_games > 1)
            $total_games = sprintf($user->lang['ARCADE_TOTAL_GAMES'], $total_games);
        else if ($total_games == 1)
            $total_games = sprintf($user->lang['ARCADE_TOTAL_GAME'], $total_games);

            'S_DISPLAY_ARCADE'        => true,
            'TOTAL_GAMES_PLAYED'    => ($arcade->totals['games_played']) ? sprintf($user->lang['ARCADE_TOTAL_PLAYED'], $arcade->totals['games_played'], $arcade->format_time($arcade->totals['games_time'])) : '',
            'TOTAL_GAMES'            => $total_games,
        //Total Games

create a new file in root/styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/ named arcade.html
Fill it with this code:

Code: Select all

<h3>Arcade Stats</h3>
    <div class="panel">
       <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>      
          <div class="content">
             <!-- IF S_HAS_NEWEST_GAME -->
             <p style="margin: 4px;"><!-- IF NEWEST_GAME_IMAGE --><a href="{U_NEWEST_GAME_PLAY}">Newest Game:<br /><img src="{NEWEST_GAME_IMAGE}" alt="{NEWEST_GAME_NAME}" width="20" height="20" style="vertical-align: middle;" /></a><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp;{NEWEST_GAME_NAME}</p>
             <!-- ENDIF -->
             <!-- IF .arcade_leaders -->
             <br />
                <b>{L_ARCADE_LEADERS_HEADER}</b><br />
                   <!-- BEGIN arcade_leaders -->
                      <!-- IF arcade_leaders.S_ROW_COUNT > 0 --> &nbsp;<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE --><img src="{arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE}" alt="{arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS_IMAGE_ALT}" style="vertical-align: middle;" /><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp;&nbsp;{arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS_RANK}:&nbsp;{arcade_leaders.ARCADE_LEADERS}&nbsp;({arcade_leaders.VICTORIES})
                   <!-- END arcade_leaders -->
             <!-- ENDIF -->
             <!-- IF TOTAL_GAMES -->
             <br />
             <p style="font-size: 12px;">{TOTAL_GAMES}<br />{TOTAL_GAMES_PLAYED}</p>
             <!-- ENDIF -->
       <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
Now go to styles/prosilver/template/portal/portal_body.html
and find

Code: Select all

			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/online_friends.html -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
Add after on a new line

Code: Select all

		    <!-- INCLUDE portal/block/arcade.html -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
Now this is the bit that I figured out
open up: includes/acp/acp_portal.php
and find

Code: Select all

'portal_clock'						=> array('lang' => 'PORTAL_CLOCK'		, 'validate' => 'bool'	, 'type' => 'radio:yes_no'	, 'explain' => true),
Add before on a new line:

Code: Select all

'portal_arcade'						=> array('lang' => 'PORTAL_ARCADE'		, 'validate' => 'bool'	, 'type' => 'radio:yes_no'	, 'explain' => true),
Open up: language/en/mods/lang_portal_acp.php
and find

Code: Select all

'PORTAL_LEADERS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on portal.',
After on a new line add

Code: Select all

'PORTAL_ARCADE'							=> 'Arcade block',
	'PORTAL_ARCADE_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on portal.',
Now open up portal.php
and find

Code: Select all

if ($portal_config['portal_change_style'])
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/block/change_style.'.$phpEx);
add after on a new line

Code: Select all

if ($portal_config['portal_arcade'])
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/block/arcade.'.$phpEx);
		'S_DISPLAY_ARCADE' => true,
Okay thats the code part done.
now go to acp and refresh your styles template
then go to Admin control panel/mods/portal and enter portal general settings click box to display arcade... and submit

Thats it should work and is working on mine...
let me know ok ;)

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 29. March 2008 21:39
by derkubi
when i enable arcade-block in acp - portal i get the error :

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class arcade in /srv/www/httpd/phost/d/com/pytalhost/dienstagstruppe/web/includes/arcade/arcade_class.php on line 24

Part of arcade_class.php
class arcade
{ *
var $config = array();
var $games = array();
var $cats = array();
var $users
* = line 24


i saw your tabs ( Portal - Main Forum - About Us ) in your portal , is it a MOD ?

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 29. March 2008 21:52
by lonepare
when i enable arcade-block in acp - portal i get the error :

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class arcade in /srv/www/httpd/phost/d/com/pytalhost/dienstagstruppe/web/includes/arcade/arcade_class.php on line 24

Part of arcade_class.php
class arcade
{ *
var $config = array();
var $games = array();
var $cats = array();
var $users
* = line 24
Am not sure what that is...maybe Kevin can help here as am just a newb.... am using JRSweets Arcade 0.4.5 and is working on my portal.... I have only followed the code I have displayed in my last post... ;)

i saw your tabs ( Portal - Main Forum - About Us ) in your portal , is it a MOD ?
The tabs are from the easy menu mod and will get you the link if you hang tight.... ;)

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 29. March 2008 22:03
by lonepare

i saw your tabs ( Portal - Main Forum - About Us ) in your portal , is it a MOD ?
Here you go this is where you will find the easy menu styles... ... ilver+menu ;)

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 29. March 2008 23:35
by derkubi
Hmmm funny cause i have this in overall_header for tabs , but i can only see them on forum-index , not in portal !?!

Code: Select all

    <div id="tabs">
          <li<!-- IF basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'portal.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_PORTAL}"><span>{L_PORTAL}</span></a></li>
          <li<!-- IF basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'index.php' or basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'viewforum.php' or basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'viewtopic.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_INDEX}"><span>{L_INDEX}</span></a></li>
		  <li<!-- IF basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'gallery/index.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_GALLERY_MOD}"><span>Fotogalerie</span></a></li>
		  <li<!-- IF basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'arcade.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_ARCADE}"<span>Spiele</span></a></li>
		  <li<!-- IF basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'calendar.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="calendar.php"<span>Kalender</span></a></li>          
		  <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCH --><li<!-- IF basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'search.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_SEARCH}" title="{L_SEARCH_ADV_EXPLAIN}"><span>{L_SEARCH}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST --><li<!-- IF basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'memberlist.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_MEMBERLIST}" title="{L_MEMBERLIST_EXPLAIN}"><span>{L_MEMBERLIST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
          <li<!-- IF basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'faq.php' --> class="activetab"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_FAQ}" title="{L_FAQ_EXPLAIN}"><span>{L_FAQ}</span></a></li>

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 30. March 2008 00:16
by lonepare
derkubi wrote:Hmmm funny cause i have this in overall_header for tabs , but i can only see them on forum-index , not in portal !?!

Code: Select all

Not sure what it is you are asking.... had some teething problems with my intergration of portal, which was kindly resolved here ... 5#p4614725 which might be of help to you. ;)

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 30. March 2008 10:22
by derkubi
lonepare wrote:Not sure what it is you are asking....
Klick on my website-button ->
You have TABs on Portal AND Index , i have TABs on Index want them on Portal too ... but not sooo important .

Re: Board3 and arcade mod by JRSweets

Posted: 30. March 2008 13:02
by lonepare
derkubi wrote:
lonepare wrote:Not sure what it is you are asking....
Klick on my website-button ->
You have TABs on Portal AND Index , i have TABs on Index want them on Portal too ... but not sooo important .
Yes thought that was what you were asking and posted a link which shows you how to display your tab menu (nav) in portal.... here is link to the part that tells you... please read.. ... 0#p4619435 ..hope that helps you.
kindest regards
Micheal. ;)